All about strawberry landing in August


Good afternoon, my reader. Compliance with the rules of agrotechniki is the key to obtaining abundant harvest of strawberries, like any other culture. It is important to pay special attention to planting plants, this process will be disassembled in detail in our article.

All about strawberry landing in August 21560_1
All about planting strawberries in August Maria Verbilkova

It is in August that comes to take care of the crop of the next season and to plant strawberry seedlings and other plants. Under such conditions, the seedlings have time to form generative kidneys and take care of a new place.

You can prepare the planting material according to the FRIG method. To do this, you need to choose healthy seedlings and cut the flowers from them: it stimulates the development of the mustache in the coming season. The strawberry seedlings need to leave only shoots located near the royal bush. Throughout the summer, these shoots need to regularly water and make mineral fertilizers into the soil.

At the end of the summer season, late autumn, the plants need to dig and remove everything from them, except for several young leaves. Then the fallen shoots are placed in plastic bags and in this form are stored in the freezer. In conditions of reduced temperature (0 ... -2 ºС) seedlings can be up to 1 year. In the spring, as preparations for the room in an open ground, plants can be transferred to the cultivation containers. The land in the container should be at the root neck level, and the roots need to be straightened.

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All about planting strawberries in August Maria Verbilkova

To reduce the scope of work and save time, you can buy already rooted seedlings. But such a purchase should be approached and carefully inspect the product. A healthy plant should be fresh and bright foliage, the diameter of its root neck - about 7 mm and more. If the foliage of seedlings is twisted, shrieked or all in spots - before you an unhealthy plant that will not give a qualitative harvest.

For growing strawberries, a sunny place is suitable, which is protected from wind gusts. Culture prefers notifying, neutral or weakly acidic soil. If the soil acidity is too high, it is neutralized with lime (1-2 kg per 1 m2). And in order to increase the fertility of the soil, 2-3 buckets of the humidization per 1 m2 contribute to the ground.

Before boarding strawberries in the soil you need to make fertilizer. 2 weeks before placing the seedlings, the soil must be fertilized by potassium compositions and 40 g of double superphosphate. These drugs are used in a dry form. After planting plants, they are sprinkled with a nutrient mixture, which includes land from a plot, compost and manure.

We recommend landing strawberry rows. It is necessary to respect the distance between the plants in the ranks of 15-20 cm. Strawberry care will subsequently determine the quality of the crop. If you will timely remove the mustache, make feeding and comply with the right watering regime, the culture will thank you with a rich and tasty harvest.

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