See how roads and sidewalks look like in Nizhny Tagil, cleared for tens of millions

See how roads and sidewalks look like in Nizhny Tagil, cleared for tens of millions 2155_1

Nizhny Tagil's motorists complained to the work of the road services that did not hurry the streets in the regulatory state. However, even worse there are pedestrians - roads, unlike sidewalks, even somehow cleaned or rolled.

In anticipation of spring and possess temperatures, contractors receiving millions of rubles, from the connivance of the officials of the administration and the "Urban Customer Service" forgot their direct responsibilities. The social networks are littered with complaints about unscredited pedestrian crossings and sidewalks, although there were no significant precipitation for several weeks.

The unsatisfactory work of road builders cause not only inconvenience, but also creates a real danger to pedestrians. For example, Tagilchanin showed how mother from a carriage is forced to get to the house right along the roadway to meet cars along Balakinskaya Street. The reason in unscredited sidewalks is a narrow path just wounded by pedestrians, and she did not see the shovel of the roadmakers at all.

Similar complaints mass. Outside Zadorozhnaya at the mine. III International in the whole winter road technician drove only once.

See how roads and sidewalks look like in Nizhny Tagil, cleared for tens of millions 2155_2

In the public movement "Tagil without a hole" even found a symbol of this winter - a pedestrian crossing on the street was littered with snow. Industrial.

See how roads and sidewalks look like in Nizhny Tagil, cleared for tens of millions 2155_3

A similar situation on the Galube. Residents complain that you can still cross the road, but it's impossible to do it from a carriage. The October boulevard:

See how roads and sidewalks look like in Nizhny Tagil, cleared for tens of millions 2155_4

Double Chernistochinsky highway:

See how roads and sidewalks look like in Nizhny Tagil, cleared for tens of millions 2155_5

In the comments of Tagils, the Mayor Vladislav Pineaev is offered to stroll along the city streets and compare it with Sergey Nosov.

The townspeople noticed that the General Contractor MUE Tagildarstroy mainly works in the application mode: reacts only to complaints, creating an image of a responsive company. It should be noted that there are consistent sums on the maintenance of the road-street network of Nizhny Tagil. For two years, MUP Tagildarstroy as the general contractor will receive 781.5 million rubles. Compared to the previous period, the maintenance of the roads went up by 18%: a month, the company should learn 32.5 million or 1.085 million budget rubles per day, and this amount does not include their essential repair, but only content in winter and summer.

Amounts that monthly receive Tagildarstroy MUP and its subcontractors from the budget for cleaning roads and sidewalks

Part of the work was given to the subcontract for third companies. UBT-service LLC for 156 million rubles is engaged in the maintenance of the streets of the total length of the roadway 103 km.

A new company appeared on the road market. Kapitalstroy LLC received 78 million rubles from Tagildorstroy. Companies gave one of the most remote streets of the city: among them the northern settlement, the mine. III International and Some Tagil Building Roads. Total length - 78 km.

The Kapitalstroy company with an authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles was founded in December 2016. Director and founder is Pavel Kurenov. According to the accounting statements, until 2019, the company practically did not behave, but in 2019 the revenue jumped to 235 million rubles. It is known that a significant part of this amount is the work as a subcontractor MUP Tagildinstroy for the repair of roads within the National Project. According to the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, 3 employees were listed in the company in 2019. In 2020, Kapitalstroy from MUP again received a repair of 3 streets with a total value of 30 million rubles in a subcontract. Kapitalstroy was associated with other companies, which also receive work from the municipal Tagildorstroy for tens of millions of rubles. In early March, we checked how the firm copes with their duties, the conclusion was disappointing.

See how roads and sidewalks look like in Nizhny Tagil, cleared for tens of millions 2155_6
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