Tikhanovskaya announced mass protests in Belarus

Tikhanovskaya announced mass protests in Belarus 21536_1
Tikhanovskaya announced mass protests in Belarus

The ex-presidential candidate of Belarus Svetlana Tikhanovskaya announced the resumption of protests in the republic. She spoke out in an interview with the Ukrainian journalist on February 24. Tikhanovskaya explained how the opposition can act in the "time of the partisans".

Protests in Belarus "not stuhli", and changed their shape and resumed in spring. This was stated by the ex-presidential candidate of Belarus Svetlana Tikhanovskaya in an interview with the Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Gordon on Tuesday.

"Protests in Belarus are not stuffed. I changed the picture, the form of protest changed. But the protest movement, the protest sentiments did not go anywhere, "said Tikhanovskaya.

According to the ex-candidate, now in Belarus "partisan time", when the opposition cannot act openly, because it is a "direct road to prison."

In an interview, Tikhanov also stated that it was ready to provide the President of Belarus to Alexander Lukashenko guaranteeing personal security in case of his departure from the highest state post. She is ready to provide the President of the "Little House with Protection Personal." According to the opposition policy, the provision of such guarantees "should be the result of negotiations" with the Belarusian authorities.

We will remind, previously, Tikhanovskaya stated that she was ready to lead Belarus in the transitional period and asked European leaders to ensure its safeguards to Belarus. According to the ex-candidate, its main goal will be brought to Belarus to new elections with the "smallest shocks". She also declared the need to "diversify" the foreign policy of Belarus, "in order to increase its strategic independence and autonomy," and also requested the Western capital to impose sanctions against Minsk. At the same time, she noted that all agreements of Belarus and Russia, concluded in the presidency of Lukashenko, should be canceled.

The actions of the Tihananovsky previously commented on the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, stating that "calls that Belarusian political migrants nominate from Vilnius, Warsaw, other Western capitals, traveling around Europe, speaking in various EU structures" cause many questions and "aimed not to promote dialogue , and on the advance of ultimatums. " At the same time, Russian President Vladimir Putin noted the concern of Moscow by external intervention in the affairs of Belarus, which is accompanied by "financial feeding, information support, political support".

Read more about the fact that Belarus's initiative will bring Belarus, read in the "Eurasia.Expert" material.

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