Prepaiming Cocktail for soybeans: what you need to know about the processing of seeds

Prepaiming Cocktail for soybeans: what you need to know about the processing of seeds 215_1

"Before Sowing Soy, there is not much time left, and at the moment I hope that the question for the Agrarians is not whether the soybeans need to handle, but in what. - writes in his article on the portal consultant agronomist with 10 years of experience Todd Steinker. - Means for processing seeds are available on the market for many years and gained widespread among progressive manufacturers.

The use of seed processing is repeatedly proven. The effect is mainly achieved due to the fact that soybean plants receive earlier and strong starts, because at certain times they are protected from soil pathogens, and healthy seedlings are harbing a good harvest.

Studying the types of products you want to use, it is important to understand that not all processing is the same, and think about setting seed providers the following questions:

1. Where will my soy be processed?

If the processing is not carried out at the factory, but at the local level, then the rolling system is calibrated correctly? Do you really get the number of active ingredients for what you paid? How is the processing process? Do Bobs dry to packing?

2. Will my soybean be protected from pathogens of microorganisms?

We do not know how the landing period and the beginning of the harvest season will be moved; Nevertheless, it is important to take a good position as early as possible. If the soil turns out to be cool and wet, and this usually happens in April and May, fungicidal protection is value. The patient plant will fight for survival all season.

So, are seeds protected from fuzariosis, rhizocontoniosis, pithycular rot and phytophors? For protection against sudden death syndrome, additional active ingredients can be added.

3. Will my soybean be protected from insects eating seedlings?

Insecticide is the first thing to do to get a good cocktail for processing seeds. It is important to remember that this insecticide is primarily pursuing sheets that wake up and feed at the same time with the advent of soybeans, and then lay eggs and the next offspring continues to damage culture.

4. Will my soybean subjected to vaccination?

When soybeans are processed by inoculant, they are physically processed by alive bacteria that help run the rhizobium bacteria around the root system.

Since these are living bacteria, many products are not recommended for several weeks or months before applying. So prepare for the season in advance to get the most out of your beans! "

(Source: Posted by: Todd Shtnyakhner, member of the Council of Sovodes Illinois).

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