Want an annual abundant vintage of grapes? Then do not commit these 5 mistakes


    Good afternoon, my reader. How well the grape culture will be fruit, depends in many respects from the correct trimming of the bush. However, this is not the only reason for the procedure. For example, if it is incorrectly or not at the right time to carry out work on pruning, then shrubs will operate numerous shoots. The main part of them will not have time to increase, which will lead to death at the first cooling. It will not be enough nutrition in this case and the rest of the branches, from which the vines gradually weaken. What errors it is recommended to avoid?

    Want an annual abundant vintage of grapes? Then do not commit these 5 mistakes 21498_1
    Want an annual abundant vintage of grapes? Then do not commit these 5 mistakes Maria Verbilkova

    The main mistake, especially at novice dachensons and gardeners - pruning is not those shoots. Often on the fruit arc, they leave the next season thick branches that seem perfectly developed. However, usually such shoots give a crop weakly due to the redistribution of nutrients for other purposes. All growth is on the development of foliage, and in the winter there are almost no kidneys with future inflorescences. The mistake will be the circumcision of the mature vine, ready to be plentifully fruit in the coming year.

    What shoots do you need to cut? The right decision will be the fall to remove those branches that gave a grape harvest with a bush in the past season. It makes no sense to leave such, it is recommended to clean it under zero. Cut will also need all weakened, the thickness of the thinnest, greenish branches and grazing tops. Keep you need to shoot that look overwhelming, usually the brownish color of the crust and the average size is fixed behind them. Visually leave not too thick and not too thin.

    Grapes with a small experience or at all newcomers fear to cut large branches completely, that is, they simply shorten on the desired length and thereby leave a lot of shoots. The result of this common error - the bushes become too thick, and the growing slows down. Therefore, the berries do not have time to grow, as little of light comes to them. The plant weakens, the flowers are formed in all smaller quantities, which means that the yield is reduced.

    What is taken into account when trigging:

    • The required length of the remaining length of the branches;
    • Load on the vine (the maximum number of shoots in the season);
    • The number of remaining eyes after shorting.

    It is not necessary to carry out work too early and not too late. If you hurry and trim shoots before fallout leaves, warm autumn or before the rest period, you can lose a significant part of the harvest in the future. It is necessary to remove extra branches if the temperature has already been installed on the indicator not higher than +5 ° C. With a state of growth and development, the vine has its own feature - if there is no point of growth in escapes, they awaken the kidneys formed for the winter, as a result, those die, and with them future flowers.

    Want an annual abundant vintage of grapes? Then do not commit these 5 mistakes 21498_2
    Want an annual abundant vintage of grapes? Then do not commit these 5 mistakes Maria Verbilkova

    The problem is the following - in trimming inexperienced grapes bypassing the recommendations do not want to remove branches before they are founded. For hemp, it ends not the best way, the rot is beginning to develop, penetrating the vine deep into the vine. So that this does not happen, you need to fully excide the annual branches, and the sections of cuts to process disinfectants, for example, they can be poured coal or var. You can leave hemp to 1 cm only when processing mature shoots.

    Steying (young shoots of fruiting kidney) develop in the sinuses of each leaf. If all the points of growth remove, then the awakening of the winter kidneys will go, which will cause harvest. It is possible to remove the steps that: wait until the escape will grow to the dissolution of the leaves pair, then pinch the top of the stepsing so that 1 or 2 kidneys increase on it. So that the bushes do not grow too thick, you can not leave lateral shoots, as this will lead to an uncontrolled growth.

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