This man lives all his life in an iron barrel. Without it he can't breathe


Paul Alexander was born in the United States in the late 40s. When he was 6 years old, the state of the polio epidemic happened in the States - now there are already vaccinations and treatment from this terrible disease, and in 1952 hundreds of children died every day. Floor The disease also did not bypass the party, and from a conventional healthy boy, it turned into a heavy disabled person tied to the iron barocamera.

Paul spent in the hospital a year and a half

At first, the disease proceeded not very hard - the floor simply observed the beddown under the supervision of the doctor. Suddenly his condition worsened very much - he stopped talking and began to choke. He was so bad that he does not remember, as it turned out to be in the hospital - only what he woke up in an iron barocamera into human growth.

It was the "iron light", which pumps and pumps the air into a lung person who cannot breathe independently. It was impossible to leave this camera, but the floor could not - it was almost completely paralyzed. Doctors thought that he would die from day to day, but the floor was not going to give up - after a year and a half he became better, and his parents took him home together with the "iron light."

He learned to breathe with the help of the language and entered the school

Parents hired for the sex of the physiotherapist, who taught him to breathe with the help of the language, "pushing" the air. Thanks to this, he was able to leave his iron bar for a couple of hours. Paul decided to continue studying at school - he could not write anything, so just remembered. Because of this, he graduated from school only at 21, but he was almost a round excellent student - he was given the only four on biology, for the fact that he could not open the frog himself. Yes, about inclusion in the 50th year no one has yet heard.

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Paul two years tried to enter the university. And entered

Paralyzed disabled rectorate did not want to study. But Paul, his parents and teachers two years old were the leadership of the University, and achieved their own - the young man was enrolled. It was not easy - he was the only disabled for the whole university. He did not prevent him from - he graduated from the university, then graduate school, became a lawyer and opened his own practice.

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Paul still lives in "Iron Easy"

Now he is 75 years old, and his iron barocamera is one of the last remaining in the world. Although there are new breathing support methods, such as tracheostomas - a hole in the throat, the floor does not plan to change anything. He has a helper - Cathy's sat, who lives with him for many years. Katie and Paul are good friends, and he never appeared families - once he cared for a girl, but his parents made her break her relationship.

The floor can write, print on a computer and press buttons on the phone. It helps it a simple invention - a flat stick with a handle at the end. Here is a photo of the floor in 2014:

This man lives all his life in an iron barrel. Without it he can't breathe 21342_3

Photo: Rotary2rotary.

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