Growing sheet salad at home. Full report from seed selection to result


Salad, like many leafy vegetables, can be grown not only in the garden and in the greenhouse. Unpretentious spicy herbs give good yields even in the conditions of the urban apartment. And if you organize the shower of seedlings in cloudy weather in late autumn, in winter and early spring, then the cutting of greenery can be held all year round.

Growing sheet salad at home. Full report from seed selection to result 21321_1

For mini garden on the windowsill, it is best to use early and unpretentious grades of sheet salad, for example, "Red Coral", "Green Coral", "Odessa Kuchercher", "Avkola". After sowing into the moistened and fertile soil, the salad gives shoots on the third day. Cut the same leaves begin after 3 weeks.

Growing sheet salad at home. Full report from seed selection to result 21321_2
Growing sheet salad at home. Full report from seed selection to result 21321_3

To ensure the needs of the family in juicy and gentle lightweight leaves, you can organize a conveyor for the cultivation of greenery on the windowsill. Sewing new batch of plants with an interval of 1 week, then you do not have to buy greens in the market, which is especially important in winter and spring.

Growing sheet salad at home. Full report from seed selection to result 21321_4

Salad cultivation technology on room windowsill or warmed loggia

Growing sheet salad at home. Full report from seed selection to result 21321_5

Any containers, pots, drawers, drafts and porridge are used as a minority plant for mini garden, the depth of which is more than 12 cm. At the same time, to prevent the stagnation of moisture and rotting the underground part of the seedlings of the bottom of the container, in which there are no drainage holes, it is necessary to lay out the centimeter Bricks or softened in the palms of shells from eggs.

Growing sheet salad at home. Full report from seed selection to result 21321_6
Growing sheet salad at home. Full report from seed selection to result 21321_7

For the cultivation of the greenery at home it is the most convenient to buy ready-made substrates with neutral acid (pH 5.0 - 7.0), for example, "universal soil for indoor plants" or "Universal substrate for seedlings of vegetables and flowers based on low peat". Such land has a lightweight structure, but at the same time high indicators of moisture intensity and fertility.

Growing sheet salad at home. Full report from seed selection to result 21321_8

Sowing dry seeds salad is carried out in a wet and loose soil, slightly pressed with pillows of fingers. The grains are laid out over the surface of the skylight, but not very thick. The extra sprouts can be further removed so that the rest of the seedlings can normally develop and build a powerful sheet mass.

Growing sheet salad at home. Full report from seed selection to result 21321_9
Growing sheet salad at home. Full report from seed selection to result 21321_10

After laying, the seeds are sprayed from a pulverizer or self-made splashing with melt water and covered with a thin layer of land (about 5 mm), as if "sprinkling" crops. Then the substrate surface is once again moisturized.

Growing sheet salad at home. Full report from seed selection to result 21321_11

To create a greenhouse effect until the appearance of sections, planting containers are placed under a glass or film covering.

Growing sheet salad at home. Full report from seed selection to result 21321_12

The optimal temperature for germination of salad is +20 - 26 ° C. In the future, the plants continue to harmoniously develop at temperatures from +15 to + 24 ° C. Moisturize the planting of salad and other leafy crops in the minority is recommended for melt, rain or softened water (without chlorine and heavy metals).

Growing sheet salad at home. Full report from seed selection to result 21321_13

Mass sprouts of lettuce appear on the second or third day.

Growing sheet salad at home. Full report from seed selection to result 21321_14
Growing sheet salad at home. Full report from seed selection to result 21321_15

After serving plants, the cover is cleaned, and crops are moisturized daily from springs, mini watering can or spray. The surface of the soil should be constantly wet, but not wet, otherwise the seedlings may suffocate.

Growing sheet salad at home. Full report from seed selection to result 21321_16

The optimal light day for salad is 10-12 hours. From April to the beginning of October, the plants exhibited on the windowsill of southern windows, the lighting is quite enough. The rest of the time and for growing greenery on the northern windows requires the installation of sources of additional lighting (phytolambams, daylight lamps, LED ribbons and lamps, etc.).

Growing sheet salad at home. Full report from seed selection to result 21321_17

Salad sprouts at home live up to 4 months. After the bushes are thinned and dry, they are pulling them out. Of the released containers, the exhausted land shake out, fall asleep with a new portion of the fertile substrate and repeated crops are carried out.

Growing sheet salad at home. Full report from seed selection to result 21321_18

Let all plants feel comfortable in your home!

Growing sheet salad at home. Full report from seed selection to result 21321_19

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