Real Hero of the film "Running" The real story of General Khludova ("General Yasha")

Real Hero of the film

Everything perfectly remembers the scene from the "run" Mikhail Bulgakov, in which General Khludov commanded his orders: "Present Mr. Minister for a worker's deputation!"

We offer to learn the story from the life of the prototype of the hero from the movie "Running"

Everything perfectly remembers the scene from the "run" Mikhail Bulgakov, in which General Khludov commanded his orders: "Present Mr. Minister for a worker's deputation!" Well, he leads Mr. into the courtyard, where the corpses are swinging on the gallows ...

General Yakov Alexandrovich Slazzhev was a prototype of General Khludov. All those who violated order and discipline, he actually shot packs and hung, not to mention the enemies. But despite this, he was a brave combat commander.

Among the soldiers of Slazkov was very popular and with love called "General Yasha". Those who slept in the rear, got out and speculated, under the cover of the White Guard Uniform, hated him.

Military Path

Salmonies during the First World War was injured five times and served until Colonel. He personally drove troops into the attack, was awarded the Order of St. George and St. George weapon. But he had addiction to drugs, due to pain from numerous wounds. It was used against him his personal enemies.

Looking at how the army falls apart, he resigned, shortly before the October Revolution. He left for Don, where she was going to fight the Bolsheviks. There he took part in creating a voluntary army. In 1918, Slazkov helped the Kuban partisan to Colonel Shkuro. They freed Stavropol and joined the army of General Denikin, famously defeating the rear of the red.

The general title of Saladov received in the Armed Forces of the South of Russia. In the spring of 1919 in the area of ​​Koktebel, he conducted a successful landing operation. After her, whites were free to the Crimea from the Reds. In January 1920 he came his starry hour. At the Perekop Isthmus, his poorly armed parts beat off the red attacks. Once, the troops of Slazzheva trembled and went back. Then the general gave an order to deploy banners, and the orchestra would play march. Saladov personally led the troops in the attack on the red. Then the enemy could not stand and ran. Slotheva began to call the Savior of the Crimea, and the peninsula was almost a year he became the last refuge of the White Army.

Enjoyment with Wrangelem

In his memories, General Wrangel draws Slazzheva as a degrading personality. He writes that everyone knew well about the grazing fiction to the guilt and drugs and the last time he saw the general under the Stavropol. Then Wrangel was amazed by his freshness and youth, and now weakness it was difficult to find out. "His fantastic outfit, a random, rippled conversation and loud laughter made a painful impression," wrote Wrangel.

Wrangel's notes wrote after Slaryzhev changed white movement and returned to Soviet Russia. All those who have seen Slazhava after in the "Red" Moscow speak about him as an interesting and adequate person. Trying to draw a repellent appearance of his opponent, Wrangel clearly moved. Many people know that irreconcilable differences between the two chiefs appeared in the White Crimea.

This is not surprising at all. Weary struggled with the decomposition of the rear and the troops effectively, but rigidly. In addition, he constantly climbed into politics and bored the commander-in-chief reports about the need for repression. He had a reputation as an ardent Moranhist. In relations with the Entente, Wrangel believed that Slazkov discredits white movement.

Slazzhev - Krymsky

Slazkow was a master of landings. The White Army came out of Ryma on operational space in June 1920, thanks to its successful operations. But in August 1920, Wrangel due to political reasons, commissioned the execution of the landing in Kuban to Generally I learn. The landing failed.

At this time, Slaryzhev was thrown at an unprepared storming of the fortified bridgehead of red in Kakhovka. Sturm also turned out to be failed. Then Wrangel pulled Slazchaeva from the command and accused the decomposition of the troops. Wrangel allowed Slaryzow to add to the name of the name of Crimea, and the dismissal itself resembled the honorary resignation.

In November 1920, under the pretext of the organization of partisan detachments, Wrangel tried to delay the Slazchaeva on the front when the Crimea is resigned. But together with his combat girlfriend and the civil wife, Nina Neololodova, Slaryov made his way to evacuation. Interestingly, Nina was wearing two St. George Cross, but the circumstances of their reception are unknown to this day.

To Moscow in the car of Dzerzhinsky

Slazkov sharply opposed Wrangel in Constantinople, accusing him in the Crimean failure. And in response, Wrangel initiated the "court of honor". As a result, Slaryzheva was expelled from the Russian army.

At that time, the Bolsheviks wanted to find a popular White Guard commander who could split emigration from the inside. Using his hatred for the Wrangel, the Agents of the HCC became in touch with Slazhenov. No one knows when it happened, but there is evidence that the meeting of the Politburo, Dzerzhinsky personally raised this question. He supported a minor majority, although Lenin abstained.

After a year, the expulsion, in November 1921, the clashes with his wife and several military returned to Sevastopol. In Moscow, the White General arrived in the carriage of the Chairman of the HCC. Soviet press bodies in 1922 distributed the appeal of Slazhenia to all white emigrants to return to Soviet Russia. The Crimean hero spoke to them that otherwise they will become "mercenaries of foreign capital." "Do not dare to be sold to go to Russia of war," said Slarykov.

At a significant part of the white soldiers and officers, the appeal has affected. In the first months of 1922, many thousands were repatriated.

How to shoot and fight

More than once weary wrote reports that he was sent to the system part, but it was left to teach the "Shot" team on the courses. The future Soviet General Batov recalled that the listeners, the lectures of Slothev were of great interest.

Slazzhev not strongly succeeded in sciences before the revolution. Upon progress, he graduated from the Staff Academy by one of the latter. But the rich practice replenished the lack of knowledge. He had something to tell her former enemies.

Because of this, conflicts often arose. Somehow in the presence of Budennye, Slarykov criticized the actions of the Red Command to the Polish company. Budennov snatched the revolver and began to shoot, but being drunk missed. Swealth calmly said: "As you shoot, you are fighting."

Behind him, the boomerang returned that bloody trail, which he left during the Civil War. In 1929, Slaryzheva shot a certain laser of Klenberg in his apartment. He motivated his murder of revenge for his brother, who in Nikolaev in 1919 hung on the orders of Salazheva. Interestingly, the killer was recognized as insanely and freed themselves from punishment.

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