What I'm waiting for Apple Watch in 2021


2020 was the year of great hopes. From Mac and iPhone waited for the impossible and incredible, from Apple Watch, too, but it was clear that 2020 is not their year. It all happened, but in 2021, perhaps with Apple Watch will finally happen something special. And about something from this special is already known. It is known that in the development of a number of technologies related exclusively to Apple Watch, which would be very useful to them, the company went to the finish line - but whether they will be used already in Apple Watch Series 7 (as probably will call them model 2021), We learn no earlier than the fall.

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See what kind of cool Apple Watch 7 concept

In spite of everything, 2020 for apple smart hours was not a disappearance and did not cost without surprises. Apple Watch SE has become an absolute surprise, rumors about them appeared just a couple of weeks before his announcement. This is not just one apple clock - now we can at least guess about Apple's plans for the future of this platform and that serious changes are really waiting for it - due to which Apple Watch Series 3 will not be able to perform the role of cheap smart watches without newfaith things But otherwise adequate and modern.

In 2021, in the flagship model of smart hours will appear above-attractive functions, due to which the Apple Watch will be with delight even hostile to Apple Press, and about these functions, it is still known that with Apple Watch Series 3 they will be incompatible. Then the Apple Watch SE will come to replace and take their price niche.

Battery Apple Watch Series 7

Batteries in all Apple Watch grabs, maximum, per day. According to official data, for 18 hours of continuous operation. The charge of charge takes about two hours. After 1000 discharge cycles and charging, the capacity of the built-in battery decreases by 20%, but its degradation process does not stop.

Perhaps this is the most painful and unpleasant problem of modern Apple Watch. Over the decision, at least from 2016 - and a month ago, December 1, Apple received a patent for one of the options for this solution, which seems simple, technological and implemented: the battery, more precisely - a couple of dozen small batteries, is supposed to be placed in the straps For Apple Watch. If it were easy, someone had done it for a long time. But, overcoming the mass of intractable problems, Apple has achieved more or less acceptable results. Imagine - going to the wilderness where Apple Watch is completely impossible to charge, it would be possible to capture a few straps with batteries inside. If you are interested in technical details, you can learn from the original source.

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Illustration of Apple Pattern

Apple Watch Scanner

Apple Watch Series 7 may appear a dactylconus Touch ID sensor. Apparently, it will be scented on one of the physical buttons of smart watches - as in the iPad Air 4. On the implementation of the Apple Watch Face ID to speak early, for technical reasons - and in our time, not too timely. Support Touch ID would make possible authentication on the smart watches themselves and would simplify the implementation of many operations.

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Apple has already started embeding the print scanner in the power button

And to the already rich bouquet of medical functions, it is possible to add stress monitoring and the ability to control the mental state of the user.

The last innovation had to appear on the Apple Watch Series 6, in Watchos 7, but something did not grumble - in Apple Watch Series 7 and Watchos 8 these functions should appear.

Design Apple Watch Series 7

One of the unrealistic expectations is also associated with the battery in Apple Watch. I want the clock to be charged not every day, and at least once a week - there are stubborn rumors that Apple is inventing a fantastic capacity battery for Apple CAR. Why, if possible, from a technical point of view, do not try them on small devices, and not start with Apple Watch?

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Would you buy such Apple Watch? Tell me in our chat in Telegram

Another long-standing dream seems to be landed against this background, and it seems that no problems should have, especially since competitors (for example, Samsung) have long been doing this: Apple Watch in a round case. And not in square, as now. To do this, would require serious changes in Watchos, Apple Watch operating system - and not only in it. And most importantly - Apple Watch has long been time to become independent and independent of the iPhone. Steps in this direction are already undertaken, but before gaining full sovereignty apple smart watches are still far away - there are still too many technical obstacles on this path. The same entry of the text, for example. It is comparable with the introduction of such functions in Apple Watch and Watchos as levitation, teleports, time travel (with a changeback function of changes) or early diagnosis of oncological diseases. Just in case, this is fantastic expectations.

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