How to breed gasterey from 1 sheet without much care


This unpretentious plant is perfect for those who periodically forget to water their indoor flowers.

Like many other succulents, Gasteria can be divorced from one sheet without much care.

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What varieties are suitable for gastere's reproduction sheet

The most popular varieties of this plant are perfectly multiplied by a vegetative way. These include:
  • Gasteria Warthy;
  • Gasteria Keywati;
  • Gasteria spotted.

They can often be found in flower shops or see on the windowsill friends and relatives.


To begin with an acute razor, gently cut one sheet of stalks. Try not to damage the root system and other flower leaves.

Next, the cuttings must be dried for 3-4 weeks in a warm and well ventilated place before forming on the surface of Callus.

After the cutting drying procedure, it is necessary to put in coconut fiber or perlite. Blow to 1 cm.

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The first watering should be only a week after the entire landing procedure. Do not wipe abundantly, the soil must be almost dry.

During the year, the kidney from which new shoots will appear on the sprout.

How to speed up growth

The pot with a plant cannot be placed on the balcony, the cold window and in other places where there are drafts. Also worth avoiding direct sunlight, but also in a dark place to install the flower.

The air temperature should not fall below +22 degrees. The room must be periodically ventilated, otherwise the plant can die due to the stuff.

In winter, it is necessary to water the flower no more than once a month, and in the summer no less than 1 time per week. It is possible daily.

When the flower is growing, it is advisable to transplant it to a special soil substrate for cacti.

For feeding, a means for succulents and cacti are suitable. But fertilizers for Gasteria must be twice as fewer.

Periodically, the soil must be loosened, it is necessary to do this at least two times a month.


Young Gasteria will first develop slowly, but if adhere to proper care, as well as under the appropriate conditions, already on the second or third year of life, it can please you with beautiful bloom.

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