The US military told why they need and how they will use

The US military told why they need and how they will use 20999_1
The US military told why they need and how they will use

In many cases, the military becomes customers and the first users of the most advanced technologies. So it was with aviation, radar, satellite navigation and other breakthrough developments. But with artificial intelligence somehow he was not charged. Lieutenant Lieutenant General Michael Groen told the Breaking Defence publication that the US Armed Forces are planned in this situation.

Gron is headed by the Joint Center for Artificial Intelligence (JAIC) of the United States Department of Defense (DOD). He does not care if it knows how things are with high technologies in American aviation, fleet, marine infantry housing (CMP) and the army. Lieutenant-General does not analyze, why the military still does not widely implement AI, but describes why it will definitely happen and how it will be used.

Jumping into the outgoing train

According to Groenna, artificial intelligence will become for military technologies an analogue of the Cambrian explosion for the development of life on Earth. With each month the number of available software products is growing. New and improved existing platforms, information analysis tools, data sets for training algorithms themselves and algorithms themselves appear. In fact, at the disposal of the military there is a ready-made tool based on AI for any case. The problem is in determining efficiency, as well as scaling.

The US military told why they need and how they will use 20999_2
Lieutenant Lieutenant General Michael Goreng / © u.S. Marine Corps Combat Camera, Lance CPL. Jose Villalobosrocha

For the last couple of years, JAIC, together with all kinds of US Armed Forces, is looking for the most suitable solutions for a variety of tasks. First of all, there may be new tools for commanders - thousands of lives may depend on their awareness and rates of decision. In order for the algorithm to be truly useful, a direct user should participate in its creation. As Grin writes, in essence, everything comes down to key clarifying issues: what decisions are taken at this level, what data need data and in what form they need to be provided.

At first glance, the development of such solutions is a typical task. Nevertheless, each case is unique, and the results can vary greatly. Grin notes that in the lagging of the military from the IT industry in matters of artificial intelligence, there is even a small plus. The business has already accumulated the enormous experience of using AI, so Jaic can immediately dig a sensely dead-end approaches.

Only complex solutions

The purpose of the subordinate Lieutenant General Grosena Structures is to create a unified infrastructure within all subdivisions of the Pentagon. This does not mean that all types of US Armed Forces will receive the same algorithms for solving typical tasks, and even united in one network. No, it is that each tool on the basis of AI increased overall efficiency and could operate the results of other algorithms. In other words, they must be specialized, but compatible with each other.

This approach is similar to communication systems used in military aviation, armored vehicles and a fleet. When conducting joint operations, any American combat units can exchange operational-tactful data in real time. After adding the solution on the basis of artificial intelligence over this infrastructure, JAIC will increase all the effectiveness of the army, fleet, KMP and Air Force. But there is still a lot of work before that.

Inevitable mistakes

It is noteworthy how Garan estimates the prospects for the work of the center headed by him. Lieutenant-General argues that ahead has many mistakes, failures and deadlocks. And this is good: According to him, it will only work out to build a truly reliable, efficient and powerful system. For obvious reasons, Michael does not specify which heights of the US military have already achieved an artificial intelligence on the field. He only notes that the integration of the AI ​​to the subordinate forensic structure is at the earliest stage.

Grin not the first time writes on this topic. This article begins with the thought, which he revealed in detail several weeks ago: repeating 1914 it is impossible. This refers to the shocking reality of the First World War, during which it had to rethink almost all the theory of warfare. It seems to be all seen the achievements of progress at the beginning of the 20th century, but in the heads of the military they did not develop in a new picture. Michael believes that the AI ​​will also change the fighting in the XXI century, so the necessary experience and tools need to be developed in advance.

Source: Naked Science

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