The most significant events of the week, according to "Ivanovo news"

The most significant events of the week, according to

On socially significant events of the outgoing week - in the traditional Saturday post "Ivanovo news".

Needed animals declared war on Ivanovtsy. In the Ivanovo district, street animals attacked 8-year-old girl, they knocked her hand. Now the child is undergoing treatment, and the supervisory departments - the Investigation Committee and the Prosecutor's Office are verified on this fact.

A flock of dogs greeted the woman on the ashes of the temple in Ivanovo. Rosgvardia employees saved the woman. Owned dogs pounced on a woman right near the Ivanovo governance of Rosgvardia. Official security officers heard dogs and screams for help. They beat off a woman from dogs. But they managed to contact her leg.

I miraculously fought off the flock of homeless dogs and the girl who was afraid of 3 horses in the city center in the center of the city. She managed to avoid bites.

Ivanovo mayor's office reported that the situation with stamps of homeless pieces took control.

Continues to examine the strength of the inhabitants of the Ivanovo region and coronavirus.

According to data on February 5, almost 800 inhabitants of the Ivanovo region died from Coronavirus and its consequences. One of the dead was 33 years old. But most of the dead was aged 60 plus.

Grafting the first component of the drug "Satellite V" made more than 21 thousand people. 1500 people passed the full vaccination course. In the last day, almost 2 thousand inhabitants were vaccinated from Coronavirus vaccine.

As it turned out, not everyone voluntarily make vaccinations from Covid. Students of one of the universities are forced to do this under the fear of transfer with full-time for correspondence training. Pressure has some employers. "Fields on the ground" such actions called Ivanovsky Nachmed. And such an attitude discredits in general the entire vaccine campaign.

In parallel with the increasing number of residents who made vaccinations from the Cake 19, in the region began to gradually remove the COBE restrictions.

So, in the framework of the recreation campaign, the doors of year-round sanatoriums for schoolchildren of 1-4 grades. From February 10, these institutions will resume admission of primary classes. The theaters and philharmonium opened in the region.

In Ivanovo, the 3rd horsepower, recharged under the Cake Hospital, will return to the usual regime.

But local authorities are extremely closely monident. It is possible that the third wave of a pandemic will come, Ivanovsky governor said.

However, the region is actively extinct and without a pandemic intervention. In the Ivanovo region, mortality exceeded the fertility almost 4 times.

In January, 535 children were born in the area, the mortality rate exceeded the birth rate almost four times - 1750 residents of the region died in the first month of the year.

The fact that the Ivanovo region is rapidly dying, it was clear and last year. The threatening situation has already been for the summer. In September 2020, mortality rose by 16%, and over the past three years, according to the last spring, the population of the region decreased by 2.5%.

In August, Rosstat predicted that the Ivanovo region could lose the number of residents per year, comparable to the population of two cities - for example, such as Palee.

To other topics.

- The beginning of the new year was marked by the rise in price of passage not only in trolley buses, but also in buses on some routes. The carriers along the chain at each other increase the fee for travel from 23 to 25 rubles. But even this cost does not correspond to the economically reasonable price for travel. Even before the pandemic, it was 28 rubles. Now already more.

The technical condition of the buses also leaves much to be desired. Some "Bogdans" and "grooves" literally fall apart in their eyes.

- Collapse can happen in Ivanovo due to changes in movement in the Victory Square.

Not everyone fell to the reconstruction of the Victory Square in Ivanovo. Motorists were very painfully reacted both to the entire reconstruction process and some innovations.

And truck drivers, which often traveled here, were "victims" at all.

Because of the progress that appeared, they simply do not pass from the street of the Red Army to Bagaeva Street. Dimensions of transport do not allow.

Therefore, Ivanovo authorities banned cargo truck drivers moving around the Victory Square. And due to the redistribution of freight transport streams on other streets, a transport collapse is possible.

Read about other events of the week on our website.

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