Actress Natalia Yezhzhina spent money Batalov on erotic lingerie and elite perfume


Actress Natalia Yezhzhina and her spouse Mikhail Civin found themselves in the center of a loud scandal when Alexey Batalov widow accused them of fraud

Actress Natalia Yezhzhina spent money Batalov on erotic lingerie and elite perfume 20792_1

Later it became known that Yezhzhina and Civin used the money of battle for personal purposes, not even thinking about the consequences.

Nevertheless, 72-year-old Natalia Yezhzhina proves that he did not take a penny at Maria Batalov, and all the money spent from the pudding of the late actor's daughter went to ensure her own life. However, extracts made from Maria's bank card speak absolutely about each other. So, lawyers found out that Drozhin often left large sums in the mall, near her house on Kutuzovsky Prospect. At the same time, in most cases, Drozhin was purchased in the perfume department, and also looked into the store of erotic linen.

Actress Natalia Yezhzhina spent money Batalov on erotic lingerie and elite perfume 20792_2

Journalists who were at home at the artist, said that Yezhzhina loved to delight guests with gifts. For example, girls gave expensive cosmetics, and she bought elite perfumes, worth not less than 30 thousand rubles, and for payment, not embarrassed was calculated from the Batal Family.

By the way, Mikhail Civin also put his hand to the funds of Alexey Batalov. With the permission of a lawyer from the Batalov account, a million rubles was written off to hold the festival "Cranes". However, Yezhzhina previously reported that the event was fully organized at the expense of budgetary funds of the region.

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Recall that several months ago, Natalia Drozhzhina sued Maria Batalov. The actress is going to terminate the contracts of lifelong rent and return all the property to the Batalov family. Nevertheless, Drozhin itself is not in a hurry to be on court sessions. The court session in early March went again without her participation.

We decided to abandon the contract and attorney. But everyone is waiting for a public execution, as in ancient times, when the sorceress was burned on a fire. We are already sentenced, and we are already dead. - Mikhail Civin, Spouse Natalia Yehry

Actress Natalia Yezhzhina spent money Batalov on erotic lingerie and elite perfume 20792_4

Yezhzhina and Civin continues to insist that Alexey Batalov's widow herself asked them to provide this service. Gitana Batalova, in turn, assures that no documents signed.

Earlier, the "Central News Service" reported that 72-year-old Mikhail Shufutinsky plans to become a father for the third time.

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