April 1 starts experiment on labeling beer


From April 1, 2021, an experiment on labeling of beer and other low alcohol beverages starts in Russia, the Government Decree.

April 1 starts experiment on labeling beer 20715_1

Mabel Amber / Pixabay

The experiment will last until the end of August 2022. Starting it in April suggested the Ministry of Industry. According to the department, the amount of illegal beer market in Russia is 5-12%, depending on the region, and the loss of the budget is up to 22 billion rubles. in year. The list of low-alcohol drinks involved in the experiment was made by Cydra, Poire and Medovukha. The list also contains non-alcoholic beer.

"Conduct from April 1, 2021 to August 31, 2022, on the territory of the Russian Federation, an experiment on the labeling of beer, beverages made on the basis of beer, and individual types of low-alcohol drinks by identification by means of identification," the document says.

Ensure the experiment will be the Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Finance, FTS, FCS, Rosalkogol Region, Rospotrebnadzor, Rosacclusion and FSB. The Ministry of Industry and Commissioner and the Ministry of Finance are instructed to develop and approve the methodological recommendations and a schedule for the experiment.

Manufacturers, sellers and importers of these products can participate in the experiment on a voluntary basis. The monitoring system operator will be LLC Operator-CRPT. For the period of the experiment, specialized equipment will be provided to participants in the turnover of these products.

Earlier, the head of the Ministry of Industry Menturov, Denis Manturov, reported on the plans. An experiment on marking mineral and drinking waters is already held from April 1, 2020.

In October, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Government to ensure that experiments on the labeling of brewing products and low alcohol beverages.

More information about supporting the marking of goods in solutions "1C: Enterprise 8" can be found in "Monitoring of legislation" in the "Marking" section.

When working with a marked product, retail may need software update. The cost of this update depends on the software supplier. We remind you that updates of typical solutions of one of the most common systems "1C: Enterprise 8" users can get in service "1C: update programs." To gain access to updates, the program must be on official support for https://portal.1c.ru/support.


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