Mehmed I - Who is he, "Great Resuscitation" of the Ottoman Empire?


Mehmed I Cherestubi, the younger son of the Ottoman Sultan Bayazida I was an extraordinary person. Having lived a short life, he managed to fill it as much as possible, which would have enough for ten rulers of its level. He personally participated in the 24 wars, in which 42 wounds from swords, copies and arrows. From the three wives of Sultan were born seven sons and eleven daughters. He destroyed in the struggle for the power of all his brothers.

But the main thing - for which the descendants honor him, during the age of 8 he was able to restore almost completely the ownership of the Ottoman Sultanate and consolidate the uniformity, defeated external and internal enemies in it in the shortest possible time.

Short youth of the future Sultan Mehmed

Mehmed Chelaby born in about 1387-1389 in Bursa, from Devlet-Hatun or Sultan Hatun, if it is not two names of the same woman. At the time of the defeat and captivity of his father in 1402 he should have been about 13-14 years old. In the battle of Ankara, he most likely did not participate or managed to retire and did not captivate Tamerlan, unlike his older brothers Mustafa and Musa.

He will be tamed by Bayazid Pasha, the governor in the city of Amasiai, providing him with protection and patronage. When Mehmed becomes Sultan, he will reproduce his benefactor in the Chin of the Great Vizier. After the death of the Father in 1403, the youth Mehmed ends and the burden of state concerns is waiting for him.

Mehmed I - Who is he,
Ottoman miniature with the image of Mehmed I, Sultan Ottoman Empire

The Sultanat is divided between the two brothers of ISU in Bursa and Suleiman in Rushelia, and in the once sheltered His Amaassa is appointed by the ruler of Tamerlana's man, "Kara Devletsha.

The first major battle of Mehmed will hold at the age of 15, collecting the faithful troops, the bold night raid, he will capture Amassia and execute Kara Devletusha, declaring himself to Sultan, so far only in Eastern Anatolia. So his path will begin to restore the former magnitude of the Ottoman dynasty.

Mehmed I - Who is he,
Paolo Verrimesse "Sultan Mehmed I"

Fratricide path to throne

For almost 11 years between three brothers, an irreconcilable struggle for the right to be Sultan will go. For a while on the political and military arena of that troubled time, the fourth brother - Musa Chelaby will appear. Allegedly given to Tamerlane Mehmonda at his request. It is not known how much is plausible, but Musa will perform on the side of Mehmed and by the war on two fronts they will overcome Suleiman, but Musa wants to take his place himself and will be destroyed by Mehmed.

In 1413, Mehmed will declare himself to Sultan and start the restoration of Ottoman power over the previous possessions. His brothers who were killed by his order, he with great honors bury in Bursa next to his father. Already by 1415, he will conquer all the separable Beiliki in Malaya Asia, except for Karaman. He will attack him in 1417, but will stop at the conquest of Konya and will not go further.

Mehmed I - Who is he,
Paolo Veronya "Musa Chelaby"

In addition, he will conquer Valachia and his army will reach Transylvania, will conquer Central Anatoly and part of Albania. Coming to the Central Danube, a powerful fortress will be erected to approve his power there (now the city of Gouhruz).

He will try to fight at sea, with the Venice Republic. These were the first military actions of the Turkish fleet on the sea. The first "damn" came out, as it should, "Komom." The Ottoman fleet will be broken, and 25 ships are captured by the Venetians.

While Mehmed I restore the sovereignty of his state and expanded his possessions on the political scene a new character appeared. Fifth brother, - Mustafa appeared from nowhere.

For a long time it was believed that he was killed, somewhere in the heat of battle at Ankara or in captivity of Tamerlan, but no, - appeared and demanded half of the kingdom. Mehmed himself called the new brother by the impostor, the same version takes place in the writings of one of the last historians of Byzantium George Sphrandzi.

Mehmed I - Who is he,
Mehmed i with dumbfounders

Brantz tried, self-assisted on the obvious assistance of Venice and Byzantium, to overthrow Mehmed, but he calculated. It was broken by the head, but not executed. He was sent to the island of Lemnos, under the "responsible storage" of the Byzantine emperor.

Fighting Sultan with Communists

Mehmed I was not a tary commitment to the fight against "incorrect." It is clear, it was necessary to fight mostly with brothers and rebidden Bayliki in Malaya Asia, and Christian Byzantium, whatever it was, was more ally. In history, he will enter the name "noble", including due to a loyal attitude towards various religions who confessed him submitted.

However, there is a man in his Sultanate, who will be ahead of his time on the century. The idea of ​​communism is not to be born not in the head of Karl Marx, and not even on the barricades of free France, it has Ottoman roots. And the slogan "Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood!" Will have a color of the East, arising at the beginning of the XV century in the ideas of Sheikh Bedddendin.

Based on the idea that God is alone for all and Muslims, both Christians, and the Jews, this enlightened and educated one will put forward the idea of ​​universal equality, the abolition of private property and the overthrow of autocracy.

Under his banners will arise a huge number of impoverished and exhausted bloody civil war people. In the 20th century, he would be inevitably won by his revolution in the XX century, but the century was XV. Twice defeating Sultan's troops, in the third battle he was broken, in 1420, most of the "communism's discovers" were executed, and Sheikh Beddendin himself was hanged.

Mehmed I - Who is he,
Sheikh Beddenedin

Family Life and Death Mehmed I

Sultan's wives were three, two of them, - Emine-Hatun and Shehzade Hatun belonged to the dynasties of the rulers of neighboring Beilikov, but nothing about Kumru Hatun was unknown, perhaps she was just a concubine.

His sons will be born seven, two will die. Kasim will die in early childhood, about 2 years old. Mehmed at the age of 13, and the throne will inherit Murad II, after which he will blind three brothers, Ahmed, Makhmuda and Yusufa "Bratski", in order to avoid their threshing claims. All these brothers will die during the outbreak of plague in Bursa in 1429.

Perhaps the impetus to such a decision will be a conspiracy and the uprising of another brother Mustafa "Kyucheuk" - in the translation "Jr.", which he executed in 1423. Although it is possible, the blinding of the brothers, it will be the actions of "on the improvement".

His daughters will have 10 or 11, they will all become the wives of the governors of neighboring, uncompressed Beilikov. Sultan Hatun, Selchuk Hatun (maybe two with the same name, one of which died before), Indu-Hatun, Ilaldi Hatun, Aishe Hatun, Hafis Hatun, Sitti Hatun, Hafs Hatun and two more or three daughters , referred to as the wives of the rulers of Beilikov, but without mentioning their names.

Mehmed I - Who is he,
Paolo Veronese "Sultan Murad II"

As seen Sultan, although it was busy with war and politics, but it was also very fruit. However, it was not destined to live "soaring in the laurels".

In 1421, during the hunt, he fell unsuccessfully from the horse. Singing your death from the injured injured, he commanded to call the Son, Murad, who was going to pass the throne. This is how the historian will write to the Socaugula:

"The news of the death of Sultan remained the nearest environment in the strictest secret for 42 days. It was the first time when the death of Vladyka Osmanov hid for so long. Part of the troops suspected the wrong, the risk of rebellion arose. Then to let them "dust in the eye," a military parade was held. The converged corpse of Sultan was dressed in rich clothes, the turban was watered on their heads and put the "Parade" palace in the window. At the same time, the courtesy imperceptibly moved his hands to create the visibility of Sultan's gesticulation. "

Even after the death of Sultan Mehmed I had to participate in solving the state question on the prevention of riots in the army.

Mehmed I - Who is he,
Mausoleum Mehmed in Bursa / Carlos Delgado /


Many Turkish historians call Mehmed I second (after Osman himself) founder of the Ottoman Empire. What allowed this extraordinary person in such a short time such a huge case, how was the recreation of the former power of the Ottoman state?

The fact that every day he filled with meaning, content and activity. Do not stop your work without giving yourself relaxation and rest. All this is commemorated by the fact that he has been under the real threat of physical destruction from you, and right up to his early death.

The nature of the warrior given to him by the fate of him, allowed to justify the saying that "everything that did not kill us," makes us stronger. " That is why, overcoming difficulties, he gained greatness in his people. Although the irony of fate fell not from the sword on the battlefield and not from the dagger at the palace coup, but simply from the unsuccessful fall from the horse. Indeed, you never know where you can find - where you lose. "

Literature and sources:

  1. Caroline Finkel "Dream Osman: History of the Ottoman Empire 1300-1923"
  2. B. P. Kinross "Flowering and decay of the Ottoman Empire"
  3. Yu. A. Petrosyan "Ottoman Empire. Power and death "

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