How to buy ice cream Vologda Flome for 64 rubles instead of 159 rubles


I found out how to buy ice cream Vologda seal for 64 rubles instead of 159 rubles. I tell you.

I love ice cream, especially this brand Vologda seal. This, guys, not at all advertising. Just really tasty ice cream.

Who agree, put like

How to buy ice cream Vologda Flome for 64 rubles instead of 159 rubles 20626_1

In general, I choose ice cream in the share of fat, although, of course, this is not the most important thing. But I believe that fat ice cream is the most delicious. The seal must be at least 12% fat.

But now is not about it.

Ice cream is this not the cheapest. Usually this tile in 250 grams costs 150-170 rubles in stores. By the way, it was somehow uneteble.

For such a price, of course, there is it somehow in the scrap. Therefore, looking for discounts.

Often it is ice cream in stock in the store intersection. There or a share of 50% of the price, or 1 + 1. But not always. Often only in the online store.

And I found that this ice cream on the action happens in the Bill store.

There are super days when much is also 50% or also 1 + 1.

In general, I went to the shop of Bill in the day, and there it is ice cream for 79 rubles per piece. Of course, I scored a few pieces.

But that's not all!

Then I usually do this. I have such a meal app. There you can scan checks from purchases of products. And type, if there is an action on the product, then calculate cachek. To be honest, I scan the checks there with a machine gun, just like that. Special, more precisely, almost none, no sense, cachek was not almost never. Well, 1-5 rubles I do not consider a couple of times.

But here, quite unexpectedly for me, for this ice cream, which has already bought a discount, I calculated Cashbek 100 rubles. There, the action for each 350r give 50 rubles.

How to buy ice cream Vologda Flome for 64 rubles instead of 159 rubles 20626_2

We bought at once 10 pieces of these briquettes, with a margin, so we got 100 rubles cachek.

How to buy ice cream Vologda Flome for 64 rubles instead of 159 rubles 20626_3

Thus, ice cream for 74 rubles we cost 64 rubles.

Cashbek, by the way, you can immediately bring yourself on a map or an electronic wallet. Comes immediately.

How to buy ice cream Vologda Flome for 64 rubles instead of 159 rubles 20626_4

Here 100r came. And 5 rubles, it is cachek from other purchases. Not thick))) But everything justified ice cream ...

But this is what: the thing with Cashbacks is curious. Cashbek give different companies. From the same Letishopes, there you can also scan checks. Well, in general there to order things on the Internet and get cachek.

Do you use cachekami? Write in the comments. Suddenly you also have advice.

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