Morning Digest KN: theft of money for snow cleaning, court over a former official and emergency evacuation from a concert

Morning Digest KN: theft of money for snow cleaning, court over a former official and emergency evacuation from a concert 20334_1

Kaluga News prepared morning digest. We tell about the events that have happened, but still current events that you could miss.

In the Kaluga region stole money allocated on cleaning

The Borovsky District Court of the Kaluga region made a sentence against the 47-year-old former Director of the MFCon of Balabanovo MUP, which made seven assignments of property using its official position.

As the result found out, in January-February 2018, a man assigned money, which was issued at the office of the enterprise to pay the contract for cleaning the territory of snow.

The total damage exceeded 85 thousand rubles and was reimbursed by the defendant voluntarily.

The court gave a man two years conditionally with a trial period of two years.

The sentence into legal force did not join.

The operatives of the Kaluga FSB detained a supporter of ISIL who was preparing the terrorist attack

In the Kaluga Office of the FSB on Thursday, February 25, reported investigation of several criminal cases related to the activities of the Islamic State of the International Terrorist Organization "Islamic State forbidden in Russia.

As the management staff was established, a foreign citizen living in Moscow posted on the Internet the materials justifying the activities of the prohibited "Islamic state" and containing calls to implement the terrorist attack in Moscow. In addition, he made an explosive device in order to make a terrorist act in Russia.

The representative of the press service of the Kaluga UFSB Natalia Shcherbakova reported that the criminal was also engaged in finding like-minded people in the Kaluga region.

"In the same period of time, sharing the goals and objectives of ISHIL, he joined the Internet correspondence with the resident of Kaluga and convinced him of the need to manage Jihad, that is, an armed struggle against the wrong. The planned illegal actions did not manage to implement it in connection with his detention by the employees of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Kaluga region, "said Shcherbakov (Cyt. By: GTRK Kaluga).

With regard to a foreigner, the investigative division of Kaluga UFSB was initiated and criminal cases were initiated under the articles "Preparation for the crime", "promoting terrorist activities", "public calls for the implementation of terrorist activities", "Organization of activity of a terrorist organization and participation in the activities of such an organization" and .

By the decision of the 2nd Western District Military Court, the accused was convicted of committing these crimes and sentenced to 12 years in prison, of which he will spend three years in prison and nine years in a strict regime colony.

The verdict came into force.

Kaluga's urban head will not pay more

Kaluga's urban head did not increase the size of the monthly percentage surcharge for work with Gostaya. Moreover, even despite the appropriate decision, which was made on the eve, February 24, at a meeting of the city Duma Kaluga.

Kaluga deputies made changes to the Resolution of the City Duma from No. 40 "On approval of the remuneration system of persons replacing municipal positions and municipal positions of the municipal service in the municipal formation" City of Kaluga ", according to which the monthly interest rate percentage is established to the official salary for working with information constituting State secrecy in the amount of 6 official salary for the person who replaces the position of the city's head of Kaluga.

According to the data from open sources, the official salary of the urban head of Kaluga is 37 thousand rubles.

In Ghorovernment, we explained to us that changes are technical in nature in order to avoid making changes to the decision on the budget during the fiscal year. Their acceptance will not entail an increase in the size of the monthly surcharge for working with information constituting the state secret, will also not entail an increase in the monthly salary. Dumping and monthly earnings for Dmitry Denisov will remain in the same size.

Control over the execution of this decision will be entrusted to the Kaluga City Council Committee on Fiscount and Finance, Tax and Economic Policy.

Condemned the ex-head of Kaluga housing and public utilities

The prosecutor's office of the Kaluga region told the details of the high-profile criminal case against Viktor Ustinov.

So, the amount of damage from his "activity" became known. It amounted to 35 million rubles. Ustinov concluded fictitious contracts with controlled organizations of EUROSTROMONT LLC and Centrostroy LLC to carry out work and services at the facilities in the introduction of MUE "Kalugatence".

Recall, the ex-head of Kaluga housing and communal services was detained in October 2019. He was accused of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - "Fraud".

According to the sources of the KN, Ustinov recognized their guilt and collaborate with the investigation. Therefore, the consideration of the case was carried out in a special order.

By the court decision, Ustinov will hold the following four and a half years in a correctional colony of the general regime.

Arena KTZ was evacuated in Kaluga

In the evening of February 25, the Arena KTZ was evacuated in Kaluga. This was reported in social networks the organizers held in the concert building:

"Dear friends! We received a signal about an ambient situation. At the request of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and safety instructions from the building Arena KTZ, all people were immediately evacuated. Including the viewers of the concert ... in mind the emergency evacuation of the wardrobe did not give out top clothes. After checking, we Let's notify in detail where and when the outerwear will be issued to all evacuated and information about the transfer of the concert. The most important thing is the safety of people! We hope for your understanding. "

After this information was confirmed in the Account of the Government of the Kaluga Region:

"Tonight, in the address of the operational services, a message was received about the possible finding of an unlikely subject in the Palace of Culture of the Kaluga Turbine Plant (Arena KTZ) in Kaluga.

Specialists left and currently conducted a check. During the event that took place in the building was evacuated. There is no danger to people. "

According to representatives of the city councils of Kaluga, people are discharged into warm rooms.

The reasons for what happened will be reported later.

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