"Women's Happiness" and "Male" Near: Is it possible to grow anthurium and spathifilum together?


Female and male happiness call indoor flowers Spathiflow and Anthurium. The first for the fact that blooming buds resemble a pregnant woman, and women's happiness are known in children. The second flower - Anthurium - a vigorously protruding inflorescence-tail reminds of male strength, without which there is no talk about male happiness. Moreover

Both plants help their owners to meet the soul mate and find family happiness


Anthurium and Spatiflow in one pot together look very impressive: bright red flowers of the first plant and a tender white white on the background of dark greenery of chic leaves.

It is known that women's happiness is almost impossible without male love. It is easy to guess that if you plant these two plants together, they will be able to attract a couple in the relationship of a couple of passion and harmony. In addition, such a tandem contributes to the revival of asleep romantic feelings between spouses. Consider this duet more.

Spatifylum and Anthurium - differences

What is common between such interesting colors, as spathifulum and anthurium, and how do they differ?

  1. They have similar inflorescences.
  2. Both representatives of the family of aroid comes from America.

At the same time, the plants are distinguished by the form of leaves, the color and size of the blood coat. In addition, the anthurium flower is more dense and glossy.

Spathifylum is a less capricious plant than Anthurium. The "female flower" is more universal and better adapts to unnatural growth conditions. In turn, "Male Happiness" is the most interesting from a decorative point of view - it is rich in varieties, shades and unusual forms of colors and leaves.

With the external similarity of the plant require various care. These differences are shown in more detail in the table:

Care Spatifylum Anthurium Temperature in the summer + 21-22 °, in winter + 13-16 ° in summer + 25-30 °, in winter 16-20 ° watering abundant watering and spraying in summer, moderate winter moderate watering - no more than once a week in summer, winter - once every 2-3 weeks lighting semolot, scattered light a lot of light protected from direct sunlight cutting of a color-seal removed after flowering; Periodically chosen dry, old and sick leaves Similar conditions for trimming Soil Weakness soil: DRON, Sheet, peat, humus and sand with drainage Loose soil made of coniferous, leaf and peat ground, surface is laid out with moss, bottom layer - Drainage feeding liquid fertilizers for aroid Growth time (March-September), once every 2-3 weeks fertilizers for decorative and blooming plants, monthly in the summer transplant period once every 3-5 years, early in spring every 2-3 years, spring pot clay or plastic pot , suitable in the size of the plant, but not too large wide (with space for root growth), but not deep clay, glass or plastic pot wintering resting period from November to February requires additional backlighting in the winter period after purchasing the creation of greenhouse conditions (you can cover Package) with high humidity in the first month immediate transplantation after purchase with removal of shop soil and damaged roots


Next, you will see what Anthurium and Spatiflow together look like.

Should I put plants nearby?

Since gentle spathiflow and chic anthurium form a harmonious tandem and look good together, there is a natural desire to put them nearby. However, it should be noted that some flowerflowers against the joint placement of these colors due to the light-visible nature of the anthurium and the need to shapten the spathifylum.

Is it possible to keep in one pot?

Unfortunately, these plants hardly get along together. Their requirements are so different that a joint life is unlikely to provide them with prosperity, despite the fact that this couple will look excellent first time after landing.

Anthurium and Spathifylum should not be kept in total capacity. If it does not wait to join two happiness in one big, then it is better to put pots nearby. Try to find the location in the room suitable for these two plants. There you can put a pot of "male happiness" next to "female happiness."

There is one more option - buy a large container, divided into two parts. An example of such a pot you saw in the photo above.

How to care for flowers if they grow together?

What you need to know if you still decided to plant two plants together?

To grow spathifylum and anthurium in one pot, you will need the perfect care for each flower. Despite the fact that they are relatives, there are differences in the care of them.


Anthurium also prefers higher temperatures, and in the summer it will be required + 25-30 ° C, and in winter - + 16-20 ° C.

If plants in one pot, then compliance with the necessary temperature will be quite difficult - you will have to maintain this indicator in a narrow range suitable for both plants.


The attitude to the direct sunlight in both plants is quite understandable - he does not like it. Both of them prefer scattered lighting, while the place should be fairly light enough, especially for anthurium.


The regime of watering these two plants is varied - "Male happiness" loves moderate moisturizing, and "female happiness", on the contrary, requires abundant irrigation, and in the summer frequent spraying. In winter, anthurium is watered twice a month, the spathiflums are translated on moderate watering.


Anthurium does not like spraying, and Spathifulum is not averse to swim on a sunny summer day. When growing them in one pot, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the plants and the spraying is very neat.


Increased humidity is important for both plants, because they come from the tropics. It can be supported using an automatic humidifier or manual spraying of air around the plants.


The composition of the soil for both colors is similar - a weakly acidic substrate with peat and drainage. The transplant should be carried out in the spring no more than once every three years.

  • For spathifylum, a trophy or leaf soil is suitable for peat, as well as a humid mixture with sand. Drainage is stacked on the bottom.
  • Anthurium is better developed on loose coniferous soil mixed with sheet and peat grounds. At the bottom of the pot, it is necessary to put drainage, and top cover with moss, which will support moisture - then the plant will feel at home.

The feeding should be made every 3-4 weeks fertilizer for aroid or decorative-flowering plants. Spatilum will need this procedure from March to September, for Anthurium, the best feeding time falls on the summer.

What else can you grow with them in the same room?

It is not recommended to grow other plants in one container with anthurium or spathifylum. On one windowsill with anthurium, it will be well-lived and thermal-loving plants, for example:

  • Afialia;
  • Koleus;
  • sanhection;
  • Diffenbahia and others.

On the contrary, plants that prefer shadow and humidity will be good neighbors for spathifylums, for example:

  • dracaena;
  • violet;
  • crack;
  • Ficus;
  • Ferns and more.

Signs and superstition

Esoterically co-arrangement of these colors has several advantages. The perfect option - if in love or spouses simultaneously give each other pots with plants.

According to the signs, spathiflam and anthurium together form a hormonia symbol: the female and male began are in equilibrium, two streams of energy successfully protect the house from various problems.

The flowering of these "relatives" personifies the happiness of their owners. If Spatifylum dies - it means that his mistress does not feel his beloved, and if an Anthurium fell ill - a man lacks respect and warmth.

If these two flower in one pot begin to grow rapidly and abundantly bloom, then you should envy the inhabitants of this house. This guarantees them happiness - both female and male. Spatilum and anthurium growing in one pot, most often determine during the transformation of the bush. The received processes distribute to your friends and acquaintances so that they were also happy and felt the magical strength of these beautiful flowers.

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