"Fight chaos": male state


In the manufacture of a long-suffering film "Fue of Chaos" - the screening of the eponymous cycle of Patrick Nessa, which traveled to cinemas about ten years. Ivan Ivanov tells what the film is different from the book and why he does not save even an inspiring cast.

2257, the planet is a new world, where the ship of earth colonizers once crashed. The survivors founded the settlement of Pentistown, where the scenario of the conquest of America is repeated: the brutal romance of the frontier, confrontation with indigenous people, the cultivation of beets and cattle breeding. High technologies have given way to traditional farm, in the go, except the electric generators and solar panels. Life in Prentist is so Surov that only men survived - women died from the hands of aborigines. Todd (Tom Holland), apparently, the last boy in the colony. He vaguely remembers the mother, dreams of winning the respect of the mayor of Prentiza (Mads Mikkelsen), and farming catches melancholy. It does not particularly hide it: thoughts are heard around others and follow the carrier in the form of a pair - the so-called noise. The device went, however, only men: the thoughts of women were impossible to hear.

One day, Todd meets the girl in the forest named Viola (Daisy Ridley), which flew from the second wave of colonists, seeking traces of predecessors. Todd does not have time to learn about this - wanting to hear before the mayor, he immediately assigns Viol to him. Like the urban preacher, Prentice is by no means glad to guests - and it is going to plunder the ship who arrives behind the girl, putting Todd before choosing between the shores of male approval and recording hormones (as - in no way, this is the first girl he sees). The guy is decided to run along with Viola and warn new colonists about the danger. Journey to the new world once again turns the picture of the youth world: it turns out that there are other settlements on the map, where women and children are still alive. Only aliens from the pregetown there for some reason do not complain.

Ten years ago, the Book Trilogy "Fight Chaos" Patrick Nessa (the author of a well-appointed "Voice of Monster") was a hit in the market Young adult literature. The splashing flow of the consciousness of all heroes quite pulled into an innovation in the genre - even if he knocked a little. Producers began the development of film adaptation, as soon as the last book was published: the success of the "hungry games" demanded an immediate response. An unexpected, but logical seemed to be the idea to entrust the Charlie Kaufman's scenario: the concept of noise and thoughts out loud - the ideal continuation of his psychological syneclock. For a long time, however, the chief Hollywood thoughtproparator was not delayed: he wrote the first Draft and left the project. His draft passed through the hands of five other scenarios and eventually (maybe, fortunately), Kaufman's surname disappeared from the titles.

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As a director, they planned to invite Robert Zeekis, but I had to be content with Dag Liman, just known the "face of the future." Starring - the rising stars of Daisy Ridley and Tom Holland, who started to shine in two Disney film dealers (Marvel and Star Wars, respectively). "The Fight of Chaos" practically saw to the funeral of the era of YOUNG adult, but due to the poor reaction on test shows and the premiere of the premiere from 2017 to the 2021th. Almost ten years left for production, for which the genre itself safely left the light of sophods.

And without the help of Kaufman, the film is far away from the plot of the book: if Todd left the settlement, considering himself elected and dreaming about freedom, then in the adaptation - from sympathy for a stranger. Together with VIOLA, they spend most of the film, but almost do not come closer. The girl born in space is frightened by the hands of the male city, and therefore almost does not say, Todd is still noisy fighting with the vague feelings for her. Almost all the thoughts of the growing guy are reduced to reflexes: "The girl is beautiful, I like it, be a man, I do not want to part." Such primitive designs in the original source used the dog Todda (here it does not speak prudent). The epigraph of the film "Thought is unfiltered chaos" here erected into a comedian absolute.

In the version of Lyman, the noise plays the role of the humorous element and the marker of the immaturity of Todd. Given that the good half of the film he is in the forest alone with silent Viola, the reception quickly exhausts itself and draws a selfover. In the more gloomy draffa of Kaufman, the noise led to the inevitable sincerity, which became a new form of communication and the cause of the general injury of the colonists.

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The script trauma turns out that two easily coexistent on paper concept - thoughts out loud and peace without women - it turned out to be not so easy to implement in the movies. The most interesting manifestations of the strength of thought - for example, the creation of images at a distance (hello "last Jedi") or subordination of someone else's will - remain the lot of the characters of the second plan. The viewer has to be content with the gings uncontrolled lust of the growing hero.

Todd is a product of the education of the male community, requiring controlling emotions: do not think about mom, do not mourn the dog, everywhere to demonstrate the hardness. The cult of strength imposes, of course, the mayor of Prentice, who Ness prescribed his own philosophy, which requires to control someone else's noise. In the film, Prentice boasts only a fur jacket and charisma Mikkelsen, obsessed with the QO status at any cost. His self-esteem problems, which led to the death of women, mentioned only five minutes before the unenvimed end.

Another topic is abandoned - conflict with spikes, the local version of the indigenous Americans. Under the influence of the brutal logic of the mayor Todd sincerely believes that it is they who are the invaders killer, let them and live in the new world before the arrival of the earthlings. This is also given only one scene. At the same time, the Action director Lyman, with his experience Burneyan and the "face of the future", is trying to unobtrusively unite the old-fashioned space western with a social comment. To talk about the nature of violence, inks culture and toxic masculinity, avoiding, actually, conversation.

In 2011, when the film was only originated, the ideas of Nessa looked fresh: such stories for adolescents almost no one wrote. In the 2021th, the book did not lose the relevance - even began to look even more winned in the #Metoo and #blm era. However, the film prefers to reproduce genre clichés, hinting at an unlikely continuation, and the key topics of the original source to vote either to awkwardly straight or only hints.

There is also a chat with Todd. Along with the viewer, she is only an involuntary listener, although there is a capable of giving feedback, help minimize toxic masculinity. These conversations on the souls "Fight Chaos" also "courageously" avoids, breaking the joke rare emotional intimacy there, where the viewer's brought by the genre is waiting for the words of consolation. Cry normally, and violence does not exit. Want to talk about violence - Speak.

"Fight chaos" at the box office from March 25.

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