Danya Milochin at the last moment changed his mind to meet him in the orphanage mother


Famous rap artist Danya

Up to 10 years lived in an orphanage, where his mother identified himself quite small. Popular ticketer I.

Founded in an orphanage together with Brother Ilya. As a result, the guys raised receiving parents.

Danya Milochin at the last moment changed his mind to meet him in the orphanage mother 19911_1
Danya Milohin, photo: TNTMUSIC.RU

And so, the journalists of the transfer "Let them say" the same woman who once refused their children. Television drivers decided to arrange a long-awaited meeting of the mother-in-law and already grown sons, which by this time managed to become famous for the whole country.

Having come to the studio, the love of the careful told the true cause of his act:

"I got married and gave birth to Ilya at the age of 17. My husband, of course, loved very much. But he did not work anywhere, she used something, and then touched at all. I went to my parents, but he prayed for forgiveness. In the end, I forgive me, we began to live together again. Soon I learned that I was pregnant again. Parents said that I did not give birth to a second child that it was not necessary to give birth to this person. But my husband persuaded me. "
Danya Milochin at the last moment changed his mind to meet him in the orphanage mother 19911_2
Mom Dani and Ilya Milohina, photo: 1tv.ru

After that, the head of the family threw the family, leaving them without a penny in his pocket. Then love decided that for a while she would pass the boys in the orphanage, and he would take them after everything would work out. However, no one has seen more careful in the educational institution.

"I wanted to give children for half a year, and I gave for life. They cried later in the orphanage without me, I was told about it. I was afraid to go to them even with gifts. Because I could not pick them back. I do not deny my guilt, my mother is to blame. You can not, of course, give your children ",

- admitted a woman.

Soon "inconsolable" mother again married and attached to the new spouse of the heirs. The husband was aware of the fact that his wife left two boys, but at the same time did not burn with the desire to feed additional mouths.

"I never forbade her to pick up children. We just didn't do this for some reason. "

- told a man.

Danya Milochin at the last moment changed his mind to meet him in the orphanage mother 19911_3
Meeting Ilya Milochina with mom, photo: 1743.ru

According to the plan, the meeting of the prodigal mother with sons was to take place on the air of the first channel. However, the crew creators could not be brought to the end: Danya at the last moment refused to get acquainted with the biological parent. But Ilya said that I forgave my mother and does not hold an evil on it.

Meanwhile, one more lover walks on the scandalous TV show Vitalin Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya told about the first night with Dzhigarkhanyan. In addition, Zimbalyuk-Romanovskaya confirmed that Roman with Shalyapin was PR. And recently Vitaly admitted that she communicates with Armen Borisovich in a dream.

What do you think, why Dany Milohin changed his mind to meet his mother? Write your opinion in the comments.

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