"A risky choice of" Fiorentina "- Italian experts on the transfer of Kokorina


Alexander Kokorin's transition to Fiorentina is still actively discussed by the Football Publicism of Italy.

Antonio Di Jennaro, RAI Holding Commentator, doubts about the prospects for the Russian striker in the A. Series

"I see little logic in this transfer, but I hope that I am mistaken. As for me, Kokorin is a question mark. However, "Fiorentina" definitely hopes for him, concluding such a contract. The club believes that Kokorin will come to Florence to score goals, "the words di Jennaro Edition Labaro Viola.

Giovanni Galli, a famous Italian goalkeeper, who spent the "Fiorentina" for almost 10 years, also shared his opinion about the transfer of Kokorina.

"Kokorin is a risky choice. But why not? Obviously, you need to wait a few matches to evaluate. Of course, if he does not enter into a team, then the one who took it, there will be no excuses, "said Galli on the pages of the publication.

Comvator of the Strinking Service Dazn Massimo Callegary Surname Kokorin is familiar well.

"In front of the 2014 World Cup I made up a national team from 11 players who can present a surprise on this tournament, and turned on Cockerina to that improvised team. I saw in him the potential that he could demonstrate on the Mundial, after which he was able to make a career beyond the limits of Russia better than in the end, "recalls Callrey.

"Difficulties that are experiencing Russian players when leaving the native country to other championships are well known to everyone. It is also worth considering the fact that these footballers receive salaries in Russian top clubs, which are seriously different from European, "says the commentator.

"In the acquisition of Kokorina, it makes sense, because it can play both as a striker on the edge and as a delayed striker. If we talk about the technical and tactical characteristics of the football player, "Fiorentina" makes a reasonable investment. In this case, two factors will be important: its adaptation to the Italian championship and the atmosphere inside the team. In my opinion, Kokorina still has unrealized potential, even though his career has already taken place in essence, "Callrey.

"Kokorin is a very mobile second striker who shows his best qualities when there is a run of the overall centerorvard," the journalist Marzio de Vita.

In his homeland, he is considered the heir to Arshavin, and something really reminds Andrei. It is technically gifted, has a good speed and knows how to be unpredictable for defenders. He gets great to play between the lines, with a dense care, and also to open the transmission in a timely manner - all these characteristics allowed him to show good performance, even though they were not a clean oleador, "he summarizes de Vita.

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