Schoolchildren on the remote. How to organize learning in "CONCLUSION"?

Schoolchildren on the remote. How to organize learning in
Photo: Depositphotos.

When for the first time, schoolchildren transferred to remote training, the parents did not immediately understand what they (dads and moms) is threatened. Before the coronavirus pandemic, many previously had a persistent opinion that it was taught in our schools badly: the programs are damn that, teachers - no criticism withstand. And the parents have no time to engage in children, mom after work and houses are full, and dads ... that Pope - they would only play ticker.

Next, everything turned out across. Moms are even more - the whole day of everyone needs to feed. And dad? And that Pope - now and in the tanks will not play: children are online lessons. It would be good that they were returned to schools.

Most teachers skills to conduct lessons through a computer: they were not prepared for this, it was impossible to provide disaster. They try very hard, but the nerves need more than offline.

Following the artists who were deprived of "voices", the parents of students began to hold stocks, writing open letters to the presidents and Things: return the children to schools, otherwise they will grow morons! "

And only a small percentage of parents concerned and calmly organized relatively good training of children at home. No, these are not only those who could join the tutors. This "percentage" program approached this percentage of the ministerial positions, but logically. They smash their circle of communication - relatives, friends, neighbors, colleagues - and found people who, through Skype, through special programs, and just through the phone are not bad to help children.

Schoolchildren on the remote. How to organize learning in
Photo: Depositphotos.

I am also "overgrown": my former student turned to me, whose now the children now studied in 5 and 7 classes. We dug back and forth and decided to rebuild a program a little. Physical education, singing, drawing children took over: who refuses to sing, pour or drive the ball on the site under the window!

My parents and I decided that school sciences, like history, geography, biology, do not require a teacher explanation. They began to overcome them all together with whole topics. Mom was a plan, the basis of which were questions - they were looking for answers to everyone who could, and where he could. Mom comes up with games, quiz, tests, competitions. Prepares award winners.

A familiar family helps a person, a pensioner who works by a watcher in college, where students also "deleted". He struck us all his memory. (When the insulation is over, I will get acquainted with him.) The grandfather knows the capital, I'm afraid to say all the worlds of the world and, to my shame, the dates of the life of all Russian writers-classics!

- Do you know the multiplication table? And in all countries have you been? - Stained the eyes of the Fifth grade Misha.

Alexey Petrovich Plus to the table also the alphabet back-on-footed extended, though with a knock. But the alphabet from the end he is still teaches - in college silence, sitting silently, one, from the TV-computer already tired.

Mishkin was inhabited by Mishkin, so Alexey Petrovich prompted one regularity. With mathematics of the fifth grade Misha, the sister of Lisa is friendly, and with its seventh program to exact sciences, the dad copes.

Schoolchildren on the remote. How to organize learning in
Photo: Depositphotos.

English at the outsourcing was given to the tutor, the lessons in children through the same channel that the school indicated. Lisa still lessons of singing in a music school - also through some kind of program with a teacher.

I got Russian and literature. Couch. Mom of these children was with me excellent until the 11th grade. I was afraid that children are now read reluctantly and write with a bunch of mistakes. But everything is fine with reading. Grammar textbooks are developed successfully. The letter learns to apply the rules. We compose thumbnails about nature, birds, cat Ryzhik - already accumulated on the brochure, and there are drawings.

Obzh in practice are now all passing on one topic: how to protect themselves from the virus especially those who are members of the family - the elderly and unhealthy - and organize their lives without stress and depression. According to forecasts, improving the epidemiological situation is unlikely to come soon. And life continues.

By the summer in the family will be the third child. Misha with dad is developing a bizobida project (developing board) for a boy, collecting tongue-tongs. Mom teaches Lisa needlework, and they create a magazine mod for a girl. I wonder who wins, i.e. who will be born?

Well, it's somehow like this: everything is in places and everything in case. I personally think that even if the children only read the books on the program, and the "bosses" (initial classes) learned the multiplication table, and it would be good. But I am sure that every family has other opportunities. It is only necessary for parents to take care of their children at least as my familiar family does. Then it would be friends with their children, and the school was appreciated correctly.

Schoolchildren on the remote. How to organize learning in
Photo: Depositphotos.

Domestic training direction adjusts the school via the Internet. So with common efforts and cut down.

Author - Love Dubinkina

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