"When the time comes, we will meet again" - it became known about the secret mistresses of Oleg Yankovsky


Oleg Yankovsky during his lifetime was married only once. Lyudmila Zorina was officially considered the only beloved actor. However, after his death, it became known that yankovsky had several secret novels. Who are these women?

Incomers with assistants and dressmests, the case did not end

On romantic relations with Oleg Yankovsky women spoke only after his death. Among the mistress - Actress Elena Probleova, with which the nationwide favorite for more than 2 years was in secret connection:

Yankovsky - it was my love. We met ... Abortion made on September 2, in my birthday, Oleg stood under the windows of the hospital ... Seeing how he loves, decided to put the end relationship overnight. He also knew that he had no right to the second family.
Helen Proclova had an affair with Oleg Yankovsky. Photo: M.Fishki.net

By the way, the proclova does not deny that he was friends with Lyudmila Zorina, was in the family of the famous "Baron Münhhausen". The second Elena in the life of Yankovsky became the actress Elena Kostin, which at the time of dating with the idol was 17 years old. However, relations with Yankovsky have a 10-year-old relationship. As the actress itself recalls:

It's like a "sunshine" Bunin: burned and left the mark from the burn for life. Thank God, everything did not flow into some continuation with the insults, tears, reproach and hatred to each other. It was important for me to confirm that I am still alive, loved and is still beautiful. Oleg, feeling it, often said: "Fly! Rass the wings! You are beautiful, and all the men will be yours!
Oleg Yankovsky and Elena Kostina. Photo: svadba1000.ru.

The next mistress even gave birth to Oleg Yankovsky's extramarital son. Elena Voinovskaya also served in Satirikon, there they met.

Last love Oleg Yankovsky

She became a film critic and journalist Evelina Gurekaya. According to rumors, their secret romance lasted 10 years, but the artist from the family did not go. After the death of Oleg Yankovsky, the woman even thought to reduce the scores with life.

Last love Yankovsky. Photo: M.123RUnet

Previously, we wrote about the secret love of Nikita Mikhalkov. What does Alice Cladowakova look like today? It is also interesting to look at Julia Leshchenko. After a divorce with Garick Harlamov, Julia looks great. Kristina Asmus is not lagging behind. Still attracts the attention of the public.

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