How to fall in love with a man: 6 ways to make his heart beat more often

How to fall in love with a man: 6 ways to make his heart beat more often 19720_1

Well, when still thinking about love, how not in the spring? The sun shines outside the window, and the hormones are raging. If you want the man who you like, began to experience mutual sympathy for you, then this article will be just by the way!

It turns out that there are as many ways to fall in love with a young man, and all of them are offered by scientists.

How to fall in love with a man: 6 ways that really work

What to do, so that the chief of the chief began to beat more often?

1. Decide to the extreme act

It has already been proven that two people who are together experiencing some dangerous or exciting adventure, often fall in love with each other. So we are arranged that in a state of anxiety the attractiveness of the opposite sex is enhanced. You can offer a young person together to ride a motorcycle or take a jump with a parachute. Impressions are enough for a long time!

How to fall in love with a man: 6 ways to make his heart beat more often 19720_2
Photo source: 2. Feed the lover for warm food

No, now we are not talking about the beaten approval that the path to the heart of a man lies through his stomach. Recently, the University of Yale University conducted a study, as a result of which it turned out that a person, hearing "warm" words like "good", "cute", "soft," will begin to experience warm feelings to the one who says these very words. And the most interesting thing is that the same effect occurs if you treat someone with warm food or drink. It turns out that sometimes it is enough to drink a chosen one for coffee or tea so that it is imbued with a sympathy.

3. Be always in sight

Try to always be near the object of adoration. The more often you get on your eyes, the greater the likelihood that he falls in love with you!

4. Find common interests with a man.

People often penetrate sympathy to those who look like something on them. Common interests bring together and help to find a topic for conversation. So, so that the man you are interested in, you can watch the same films as he, listen to the same music and even choose clothes in the same colors that it usually carries. In the end, you can always start watching football! ?

How to fall in love with a man: 6 ways to make his heart beat more often 19720_3
Photo source: 5. Lighten the game on a musical instrument

It doesn't matter what exactly you will play: on piano or guitar. French scientists found out that people who "on you" with a musical instrument seem to be the opposite sex very attractive. Do you already know how to play something? Perfectly! Then you have left to demonstrate your talent in love. If you believe the French research, you will immediately become more desirable in the eyes of a man. It remains only to check if it is all really! ?

6. Do not climb out of the skin to like the chosen one on the first date.

Another scientific research has proven that it is possible to fall in love with only the person who first did not like! Perhaps it will seem to you strange, but in fact everything is easy to explain. Suppose that the man with whom you recently met, caused you only negative emotions. As a result, you will begin to think about it more often than even if it were like you. He wants to understand whether the first impression was correct. You will have to think critically and reflect on whether a person is not given another chance.

So, if you met a man of your dreams, you should not climb out of the skin to produce a good impression. Just behave naturally!

How to fall in love with a man: 6 ways to make his heart beat more often 19720_4
Photo source:

With some of the above statements, you may not agree. In the end, even scientists are sometimes mistaken, and the most sincere feelings sometimes flas out even between the sworn enemies.

Listen to your heart in any situation. If you live in harmony with you and the world around, then men will certainly notice and appreciate! ?

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