Brazilians - mixed tribes of the happy people

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Brazilians - mixed tribes of the happy people

Brazilians are the modern population of the country, famous for their carnivals, - Brazil. They cannot be called a homogeneous ethnicity, because descendants of the most different tribes rank themselves to the Brazilians, and their external differences are very noticeable.

The main part of Brazil residents today is the so-called "white" representatives of the European type, but a considerable percentage of Brazilians representing a mixed type, which emerged as a result of the marriages of Spanish and Portuguese conquerors with local residents and African prisoners.

The history and culture of Brazilians are two brightest aspects of their lives with which they simply need to meet themselves are no less interesting than the incendiary carnivals. Who are such Brazilians? How did they appear? What was their way of life?

History of the people

On the formation of the Brazilian people as we know it today, you can talk from the beginning of the XVI century. It was then that the period of the colonial authorities of the Portuguese on the submissive lands begins. Among the tribes of Latin America, it is Brazilians that are the most numerous nationality with the richest culture that has pronounced original features.

Even before the appearance of Europeans in Brazilian lands, these territories inhabited various Indian tribes. For the most part, they were engaged in breeding livestock and primitive agriculture. Often the war between neighboring tribes happened. Despite the many all kinds of communities, the Indians were far from creating their state that European settlers managed to make.

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Brazilians - mixed tribes of the happy people

After the appearance of strangers in Brazil, the life of the local population is changing dramatically. For Portugal, these land opened the expedition to Pedro Cabral. Initially, the country was called the Earth of the True Cross, but over time the name "Brazil" was entrusted. It was given to the region in honor of one of the trees growing on the lands of Brazilians.

The colonial period was a serious test for local tribes. The Portuguese brought with them diseases that did not break out in this area. Many Indians were exterminated, because of which there was a need to import slaves from Africa.

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Lookage Pedro Cabral in Porto-Segur, Brazil

As a result, the population of three types appeared in Brazil:

  • metises (a mix of Europeans and Indians);
  • Mulati (a mixture of Europeans and Africans);
  • Sambo (born from unions of Africans and Indians).

In the last century, many representatives of Asian nationalities arrived in Brazil, which made their amendments to the ethnic composition.

The happiest - Brazilians

Three mixed races, which were listed above, amounted to the main part of the modern population of Brazil. At the same time, there are also purebred Europeans, Indians, Negros in the country.

Echoes of the colonial period, which lasted several centuries, is noticeable in everything. First of all, in the language of Brazilians. The official in the country is recognized by Portuguese. More than half of the Brazilians are Catholics, which also reflects the perennial influence of Portugal.

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Brazilians - mixed tribes of the happy people

Interestingly, sociological surveys and statistics show that most of the Brazilians consider themselves happy people. The reasons for each person are different, however, in general, such indicators are very happy. Regardless of the floor, age and nationality, Brazilians love to joke, have fun, communicate with each other and threshing emotions.

These are open people with a generous soul. In addition, modern Brazilians are the true fans of the carnival, which is held annually in their country, and, of course, football. It is no secret that Brazil has managed the two these directions to make practically their characters.

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Carnival 17th century Brazil Jean-Batista Debre

Mixed kitchen

A special place in Brazilian culture is occupied by the national cuisine. Brazilians love to eat delicious and satisfying, and therefore they are famous for their culinary skills. The principles of food use, traditional dishes were formed several centuries - along with their people.

Gourmet will celebrate that in Brazil there is not only a mixture of nations, but also a combination of culinary traditions of various corners of the planet. Most of the products are prepared from black beans, white rice and flour made from Manioki.

The brazilians use purified vodka as a chimney, which is produced from alcohol. By the way, another "highlight" of Brazil is a local cocktail, which is prepared from Lyme juice, Kachaki and sugar - Caipirigna.

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Brazilians adore football and every trip to the match as if a new carnival

Culture of Brazilians

Brazilians are the people, which loves holidays and festivals, and therefore does not think their lives without music. At various periods in the country, various styles appeared, such as Forro, Wattle, Pagoda, etc. Thanks to Brazilian performers in the world, Bosseanov's popularity, tropicanism. For the people of Brazil, music is not just entertainment and the opportunity to join the beautiful. The main function is the disclosure of social problems, which is observed today.

Many artists from the "Nodov" are trying to restore justice to their work, show the principles of social inequality, to discover the problems of corruption and division of people into classes. However, all segments of the population unites samba, musical and dance style, which has gained popularity throughout the world thanks to Brazilian carnival.

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Brazilians - mixed tribes of the happy people

Brazilians are a mixed nation that combines various ethnic groups of peoples. Modern Brazilians most of them represent three mixed types, which were formed in the process of history and formation of the population of Brazil. Such a unity of different cultures turned the customs and morals of Brazilians to the pedestrian palette, where the features of a variety of tribes appear.

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