Conflict for Galicia: Poland against Ukraine


The XIX century in history is the emergence of a national way of thinking. States began to be perceived not as dynasty and elite, but as a population of one nationality, combined politically in its own territory. In some cases, old conservative monarchies (France, England) were reformed, in others - new states appeared on the basis of a political, and not an ethnic model of the nation (USA).

But there were dozens of peoples who did not have their own state, and they still needed to challenge the empires. But what if there are several peoples on the same territory, and everyone claims the same region, considering it with his own? We get a centuries-old conflict. There are many such situations, but we will analyze on the example of Galicia - the Ukrainian-Polish province.

A little geographic and historical reference

Galicia, or as they say in Ukraine "Galichchina" is a region called in honor of the Galician-Volyn Principality, which existed from the XII to the XIV century. Then he became part of the Kingdom of Polish and the Commonwealth called "Russian Voivodeship".

In 1772, the first section of Poland and Galicia took upon themselves the Austrian Empire. The region receives the name "Kingdom of Galicia and Lomomeria" and now it stretches from Krakow to Lviv, from the Carpathians in the south-west to the border with the Russian Empire in the south-east.

Even in the Middle Ages, Galicia was a rich region at the expense of agriculture and trade routes. Galitsky boyars Raders by selling salts. In the XIX century, the industrial revolution passes almost by Galicia, the region remains poor and agricultural.

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First section of Poland / © MathiasRex /

Start of conflict

In 1848, a wave of revolutions "Spring Peoples" began in Europe. The Poles stated that Austria should provide them with autonomy in the "Kingdom of Galicia and Liezeria". Ukrainians answered this by creating the main Russian Rada and the requirement to divide "Galicia and the Lomolomeria" into two parts: Western (Polish) with the capital in Krakow and Eastern (Ukrainian) with the capital in Lviv.

Austria was unprofitable to solve the dispute, let the Poles and Ukrainians conflict between themselves, and not strengthen on their national autonomies. So for the first time the voiced problem of the Ukrainian-Polish border in Galicia was not solved, becoming permanently operating sparking, waiting for the supanion of the next party of powder.

In the second half of the 19th century Austria became Austria-Hungary, giving way to a number of peoples: Hungarians and received national autonomy, and Poles - to have the right of their governor in Galicia. In the local area (regional authority), the Ukrainians accounted for about 20%, as the property values ​​existed - people with high income or urban real estate voted. Ukrainians, mostly peasants, were devoid of electoral law. The conflict for Galicia intensified.


In 1914, the First World War began. Ukrainians, like Poles, fought on both sides of the conflict: for Austria-Hungary and for the Russian Empire. After joining the Bolsheviks and the signing of the Brest World, Russia released the Earth of the former Kingdom of Polish with the capital in Warsaw.

Under the protectory of Germany, Poland was revived. As soon as in October 1918, everything went to the fact that the war ends with the defeat of Austria and Germany, the revolution began in the Gabsburg monarchy. The country decayed. It was at that moment that the revived Poland declared his claims to Galicia.

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Russian-German-Austrian front. 1917 year

But on November 1, 1918, in Lviv, the Ukrainian Scheche Archets (battalion formed in the Austrian army from Ukrainians) seized administrative buildings, and then announced the creation of the West Ukrainian People's Republic (Zunr). The newly elected President Petrushevich understood that the war would be and signed a decree on the creation of the Ukrainian Galician army.

Poles by that time already captured Lviv, the capital of Zunr was postponed to Stanislav (now Ivano-Frankivsk). Until the summer of 1919, active fighting between Poles and Ukrainians walked in Galicia. The basis of the Polish army was the army of General Gelera, sent to Galicia under the pretext of defense from the Bolsheviks.

In June 1919, in Paris, the Entente countries allowed Poland to join Galicia, demanding however, to provide cultural rights to the local population. Zunr's troops switched to the Russian border, and later they joined the army of General Denikin. The war is over, but the conflict remained unresolved.

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Ukraine on the map, published in Kharkov, 1918

Interwar period

Part of Ukrainians had a great desire to revenge, similar to German or Italian after the First World War. Ukrainians did not receive anything as a result of the war. This led to the fact that part of the Ukrainian youth of Galicia was inclined to radical ideas. As a result, the OUN appears - the organization of Ukrainian nationalists. They consider the entry of Galicia to Poland the occupation and begin terrorist acts against Polish officials. Very similar parallel with the Irish Republican Army, established in 1916 to fight against the entry of Northern Ireland to the UK.

In 1934, OUN killed the Minister of Internal Affairs of Polat Pezzsky. The organization has become known not only in Poland, but also Europe, and the organizer of the terrorist attack Stepan Bandera showed its leadership qualities, in 1940 he headed the OUN (b). On the eve of World War II, OUN understood that the conflict between superpowers can be used to create Ukraine. People are often guided by their experience, and their experience in the First World War showed that the empires disintegrate, and young countries are created.

In 1939, Poland again lost its state. The Polish Army Craiova begins the partisan movement against the occupiers. They also believe that the empire is collapsed, and Poland will be reborn. It remains only to keep their lands, including from Ukrainians. It begins "war in war" ending with tens of thousands of dead, both from the Polish and from the Ukrainian side. While the dictators were determined by the fate of Europe, Ukrainians and Poles decided to once again find out the historical right to land.

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Section of Poland in September 1939 / © Pratols Evgeny (Russian version) /

When the Second World War ended, the border shared Galicia was first conducted. The hill and moving entered the Communist Poland, and the East Galicia became part of the Ukrainian SSR. Polyakov sent to the historic homeland, and Ukrainians were deported to the Ukrainian SSR with Poland. The conflict was resolved, but historical disputes continue today.

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