7 familiar from childhood fairy tales, which were far from such innocuous as we thought


Since childhood, we remember our favorite fairy tales, but when we grow up, we begin to have questions. Why did Grandfather and Baba so killed above the broken egg, if they were trying to do it? Why is the younger son always a fool? How could a cruel old man lead his own daughter in the forest in winter?

We in ADME.ru also set themselves with these issues. And of course, they immediately rushed to seek the answers, and at the same time found another bunch of curious details, which seriously change the meaning of fairy tales.

Digger Ryaba

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© Ryabina / Production Center Andrei Konchalovsky

This is one of the first fairy tales that parents read children, and one of the strangest. The chicken was demolished the golden egg that Grandfather and Baba for some reason are trying to break up, and unsuccessfully. Then the mouse broke it, and for some reason everyone starts to cry. Nonaching promises to demolish an ordinary egg, and all calm down. It turns out that we all familiar to the fairy tale is incomplete. "Roast Roach" cut off the teacher Konstantin Ushinsky. In the folk versions after the "breakdowns" of the eggs, even more strange events begin: Grandfather and Baba cry, oaks from themselves. There are different interpretations of fairy tales. For example, according to the first fairy tale tells about the creation of the world, because in the mythology of many peoples it is from the broken egg that the sky and the earth appear. Another theory says that this is about the apocalypse. The golden egg symbolizes the world who crushed his grandfather and Baba, helped them in this a chtonic creature, a mouse; There comes the crash of the universe, accompanied by a cry and crying (grandfather and babe cry, chicken bitch). Another version explaining the strange behavior of the old man and the old woman says that they had no offspring, and the golden egg beat because they hoped to see inside the child. Without finding a new life there, they cried.


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© Kolobok. Symbir fairy tale. Mountain Gems / Moscow Animation Studio "Pilot"

There is an opinion that a bun is not at all bread, but a person. For his creation, the grandmother screamed on slaves, and after all, later and already unexpected children in childhood were called bias, and it was believed that they were endowed with a special magical force. It was the younger sons that did not inherit the property, but they had to get it themselves, and for this it was necessary to leave the community and go on earnings. On his way, the bun meets a hare - a symbol of vital energy, fertility, dexterity. Then the wolf is a symbol of military valve. Then the bear is a symbol of kindness, strength and wisdom. And at the very end of the fox is a woman. Having a wisdom, a man finds a couple of himself and bases his genus. History acquires a cyclic nature. The most ancient version of the text "Kolobka" was recorded by A. N. Afanasyev, and there is one interesting linguistic detail. The main character, speaking of his adventures, uses the pretext of "U": "I left the grandfather, I left my grandmother ..." But in Slavic languages, the pretext of "y" corresponds to the pretext of "B", and not "from". It turns out that the bun sings about what he learns along the story: "I went to the grandfather, I went to my grandmother, / in you, hare, not slyly go! / In you, wolf, not slyly go! / In you, Bear, not slyly go! / In you, Fox, and I will go to go! " It turns out that the fairy tale, which is so sad, actually has a Heppi-end and talks about personal growth.


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© How Ivanushka-Fool for Miracle Walked / Lenfilm

In a sense, this character is the same bun. The fact is that the word "fool" may indicate the property status of Ivan. Since he is a younger son, he does not hold a share in the inheritance (remains in fools). One way to ensure my life in the absence of inheritance was the priest. And, apparently, Ivan I was. He is the only one of the brothers who speak in a fairy tale, moreover, he speaks not only with people, but also with animals. The fool rides and guess the riddles, that is, it is engaged in what is engaged in many traditions of priest. And he is a poet and a musician: his singing is emphasized in fairy tales, his ability to play a wonderful twin or self-masogue feud, forcing herd to dance. And as a result, it is he who wins the evil associated with the otherworldly forces.

Koschei the Deathless

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© Last Bogatyr: Evil Root / Walt Disney Pictures, © Santa Claus. Battle of Mages / Renovatio Entertainment / Angel / Enjoy Movies

The sinister blasting is one of the symbols of winter (by the way, like Santa Claus). The collector of Russian fairy tales Alexander Afanasyev binds the story about the death of Koshiya with the ideas of Slavs about Duba - the tree of God-throat Perun, and in the egg he sees the Sun Metaphor killing the winter, and in immortality it is a continuous revival of winter in nature. One of the meanings of the word "Koschey" - the captive. This character really was in captivity of Marya Morrevna and was able to escape, only watered waters (bypolyting in the spring of rain moisture). Ivan-Tsarevich's magic assistants in this fairy tale serve Eagle, Falcon and Raven, who personify the strength of wind, thunder and rain, and in the end of Ivan-Tsarevich (God-Gromovnik) Kon's hoof (with a lightning strike) kills wrap (destroys cloud, forcing her Spring spring rain).

Fight on Kalin Bridge

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© Depositphotos © Gabriel Barathieu / www.mediadru / East News

These romantic toponyms with berry "fler" are actually quite a terrible meaning. The name "Kalinov Bridge" occurs not from the plant of Kalina. Both of these words are single and occur from the ancient Russian "rolled", which means the heating of solid material (for example, metal). The currant river is also called fire, that is, Kalinov Bridge, in fact, hot. He shares the world of living and the world of the dead, it is according to him the souls make a transition after death. And it is here that the heroes (Vityazhi, Bogatyri) are constrained by the goodness of the power of evil in the image of various snakes. The currant river is an analogue of ancient Greek stycase - also received its name not from berries, but from the word "SMRAH", that is, an unpleasant smell. According to one of the versions, it received its name because it consists of burning sulfur. On the other, the toponym is generally not associated with an unpleasant odor, and comes from the word "native" - ​​a born, primitive, mythical prototype of all rivers.


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© Morozko / Film Studio named after M. Gorky

This fairy tale causes many questions. For example, why did the father listened to the evil stepmother and took out his own daughter in the forest in Lyuti frost? Why didn't she resist and did not try to escape? Why did you like Morozko that she was not cold? In fact, not a stepmother, no more father wanted evil a girl. Just approached the time to go through the initiation rite to enter into an adult life. Children were given to the forest, where they had to survive for a certain time. It always did a father or brother. Mother (or stepmother) did not have right. The male's daughter turned out to be more hardened, she was able to survive the night in the cold, which is why she answers "yes" to the question of Morozko: "Do you warm your maiden?" And the machefa daughter turned out to be more fused, because he answered negatively. As a result, in the version of Afanasyev, the first girl returned home in the festive outfit and with a veil on his head, and the second one. There is another reason why Nastya argues that she is not cold. The fact is that the frosty winter binds to the future good harvest, so the girl, quite possible, did not just show an excerpt, but also showed care of the bread. In fact, the heroine of the fairy tale easily agreed with the elements, and this was usually under power only the priests. Well, or wits.

Princess Frog

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© Wikipedia.

Illustration of Ivan Bilibin to the fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog".

The main character of this fairy tale is a wonderful girl, awolney, usually possessing knowledge of witchcraft and forced to live for a while in the appearance of the frog. This image was viewed in science as an archetype of a totem spouse, which should marry a primitive hunter in order for the hunting was lucky. But why was the princess turned into a frog? The fact is that many peoples had a cult of toad, because she is amphibious. The toad is capable of living on earth, and under water, that is, to penetrate immediately into several worlds. Interestingly, in the 20s of the 20th century, the archaeologist A. N. Lehdansky drew attention to a number of settlers located in a swampy terrain on Smolensk region. They all represented round pads. Since there were no traces of permanent life and fortifications around the buildings, scientists came to the conclusion that they deal with the sanctuations. According to common ideas, religious buildings, the ancient Slavs created on the hill, however, judging by these finds, the swamps were also objects of worship.

And what other details of Russian fairy tales cause imbuming or interest?

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