Wooden houses will sell with a 10% discount


In one of the past materials, we talked about the project of the Ministry of Industry. - Measures of support for manufacturers of household complexes of all types. The program is designed only for companies that will be offered to buyers a discount. The main goal, as legislators declare, is to stimulate ILS in the country. This week, the new details of the initiative became known.

Wooden houses will sell with a 10% discount 1943_1

The Ministry of Industry has decided on a discount size - this is 10%. That is, manufacturers of wooden houses that give discount to customers will receive this difference from the budget. A few more conditions: the value of the household complex may not exceed 3.5 million rubles, and the term of delivery of the facility is 4 months. Buyers should be individuals, and the company is legally clean, without tax debts.

At the moment, the document has not yet been adopted - discussions with manufacturers are underway, the actions algorithm is specified. A single scheme for the provision of discount and subsequent state compensation is being developed. In particular, the economic agents who want to take part must be able to sign an agreement with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, confirm that these are Russian production (the origin of materials) and approve the price list at the beginning of the year.


"The contract with the consumer will be recorded the amount of the discount, that is, the subsidy that the manufacturer will receive."

Earlier, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, instructed the Cabinet until July 1 of the current year to develop and submit a preferential lending system IZhS - so that Russians could build or buy ready-made private houses on a low interest rate mortgage. For the time being there are several programs, one of them is a pilot (6.5% per annum for 20 years - the offer is valid until June 1, 2021), launched for young families with children. There is also a Far Eastern mortgage, rural, etc.

Works and "wooden" mortgage, but this banking product is not highly popular. Contributes the interest rate - 10-12%. It is likely that the mortgage program for wooden house-building, Mindrotorg plans to provide citizens with a discount (at the same time and maintain Russian household complex plants).

Wooden houses will sell with a 10% discount 1943_2

The authorities promise pricing pricing and believe that financial monitoring, reporting - will avoid "games" with the cost.

Vadim Fidarov, director of working with state authorities Association of wooden house-building:

"Prices in the market are transparent, the buyer is now studying the market. The agreement with the Ministry of Industry and Technology and Financial Monitoring of Manufacturers for Reports before the department will not allow manipulation of the cost. "

It is expected that enterprises that make this agreement will be checked by financial control bodies. The system of fines is thought out - with the failure to comply with the stated obligations or the deviation of the subsidies actually received from the planned. In the Association of Wooden House Buildings, it is believed that because of this, not all manufacturers want to become part of the program - and offer to reduce fines. It is explained by the fact that the market and economic situation are unstable.

Vadim Fidarov, director of working with state authorities Association of wooden house-building:

"Since 2020, the situation in the economy changes very quickly, the cost of building materials and components is growing, there is a problem of lumber deficiency, the dependence of prices is maintained both from weather factors and from demand in foreign markets."

Loan without collateral

Wooden houses will sell with a 10% discount 1943_3

The growth in demand for country houses provoke banks to create interesting proposals. There is even the opportunity to take a loan for the construction of the house without a deposit under 4.9% per annum. However, for a period of 5 years. At the same time, the housing must be built by one of the bank's partners accredited by developers, as well as to issue insurance.

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