The end of the pubertal period: what to do with real estate when the child, which is registered in it, has achieved majority and "much" wants from parents


"If the teenager reached the age of majority and registered in the apartment where he is not the owner, he still can continue to use the parent housing. At the same time, he appears responsibilities for the payment of the residential premises for water and electricity. The rights to demand a section or highlighted a separate housing in this case, he does not have, "Marina Panteleeva notes.

However, according to a lawyer, if it turns out that the young man will leave the father's house, "will leave for a long time" (for example, to work or learn to another city), then the owners' parents can deprive the right to use their housing and return will be difficult .

"When the child has reached the age of majority, its as well as any other tenant can be written. It takes a small amount of time and easy to implement if the child is not the owner of the share. An extract of the 18-year-old apartment occurs as follows: First you need to try to negotiate peacefully. Did not help? We start collecting grounds (evidence) to extract. Following the claim, we apply evidence and we all send it to court. The court consider the case and will decide, "adds Arthur Merkushev, director of the analytical department

The grounds for discharge can also be considered that family relations between the child and parents are absent, the expert notes. This is possible if:

The child does not conduct a household along with parents;

Does not contribute to the family budget;

No mutual support;

Does not live and do not pay utility payments (but this is not a foundation, but only an additional reason for extracting).

Another situation is if an adult child is one of the owners. In this case, to make an extract without its consent from the dwelling is not possible, even if its accommodation in the apartment is not confirmed. If you still managed to "write out" a young man, it still cannot affect its ownership of real estate.

An adult citizen can sell his share. But for this you must first offer to buy it out to other owners, that is, parents.

"It is another thing that the money taken from the share may not be enough to buy a separate residential premises and a young person will have to have an adult to solve its housing problems. For example, earn, take a mortgage or occupy from your parents, "Marina Panteleeva notes.

The end of the pubertal period: what to do with real estate when the child, which is registered in it, has achieved majority and
What to do with real estate when the child who is registered in it has achieved majority and "much" wants from parents

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