Light stars with cosmonauts: how technology has changed in planetaria

Light stars with cosmonauts: how technology has changed in planetaria 19300_1

If the stars ignite, then this someone needs and there are people who want to see the light of distant stars and flickering planets that are in millions and millions of kilometers from the ground. To do this, build planetaria, go to planetaria and often work on pure enthusiasm. Today their holiday is the International Day of Planetarya.

When 20 years ago, Viktor Ivanovich began to build his planetarium, then so far, of course, did not look, did not think that his grandchildren would be held in the future. Absolutely everything he did himself, even the dome of the planetarium. The wife and children, of course, helped and supported, but more morally, realizing that this is not a strange desire for old age, but the case is important and necessary.

Victor Matyushin, founder of the planetarium: "This is my idea - to tell children and all people about where we live. This is my task. In the planetaria, I have never been, I didn't do astronomy, but this idea was always interested. About one hundred books read, hundreds of films inspected. "

The homemade apparatus projection on the dome of the star, Viktor Ivanovich helped to collect a familiar mechanic from the neighboring village. The following year, an astronome-lover turns 90 years old, but he is not going to leave for peace and drop the case of universal importance. He dreams of a mobile planetarium, with whom you can come to any village.

Victor Matyushin: "I was told that I would have been a millionaire for a long time if I sold tickets. But tickets are reports and all that. And we live as a voluntary non-commercial educational society. I'm not a businessman, I just want to do people good! "

Pavel Nikiforov, director of the Irkutsk Planetarium: "The Irkutsk City Astronomical Observatory is part of the sole private planetary in Siberia. He has been working since 2015. "

Space Money Private Planetarium does not bring, but investors arrived and did not think when they decided to build a star house in Irkutsk. With its main task - to do science more popular - the planetarium copes perfectly. Here on the dome, a starry sky, planets and galaxies show a diameter of 9 meters, and in the museum they are talking about the development and study of space so that the incomprehensible and far from becoming clear and relatives.

The first Russian planetarium was opened back in 1929 in Moscow. He and today remains one of the largest and technically equipped in the world.

The first apparatus "Planetarium" worked according to a simple principle: two spheres, because the Earth has two hemispheres, in each powerful lamp, and in each of the winds there is a plate metal, in them holes that are located just like stars on this area of ​​the sky. The lamp lights up, the light passes through the windows, falls on the dome. The visitor sits under the dark dome and sees the stars. So the device worked since 1929 until 1975.

Now in the Moscow planetarium, the special apparatus has been operating on the 9th generation, the stars are also lit up brighter and the most distant places in the universe are becoming closer to all who measure the distance not only by kilometers, but also by light years, and loves a movie that you will not see anywhere else.

Alexander Perchnyak, head of the Astronomical Education sector of the Moscow Planetarium: "All this is drawn in specialized programs, then stitched on the entire dome. In the darkness of the dome is not visible, the effect of presence is created, as if all these stars, planets and space objects fly right above you. "

Thanks to modern technologies, each visitor planetarium can look at the universe through the eyes of astronauts and see more than 9 thousand stars. It is such a wide opportunity to open the eye from the orbit where there is no earthly atmosphere.

When they say that it would be necessary to go to the planetarium, then the first thing is the cultural and educational visit necessarily with the child. But the planetarians have long have exclusively adult excursions. In Moscow, for example, you can give a real romantic date and bring the whole universe for a while.

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