Even the little girl will ask for an additive. 4 recipe for perfect breakfasts - and all without lumps


Eggs or cheesery, pancakes or sandwiches, muesli or casserole - how to feed the child in the morning? If you want to try something new and interesting, here are the recipes of non-banks. They are preparing quickly, and eat even faster. And even children ask additives, rebenok.by.

Even the little girl will ask for an additive. 4 recipe for perfect breakfasts - and all without lumps 19278_1

Apple oatmeal

To prepare this porridge with a bright taste of apple you will need apple juice from the package. Take, for example, thick juice with the flesh (freshly squeezed can curl when connecting with milk or cream). So, equal to the shares of milk (cream) and juice are mixed and when stirring is adjusted to a boil, then oatmeal is added to the boiling mixture.

Without ceasing to interfere, wait for the repetition of boiling. Give the flakes to get down one minute, close the lid and leave cool. Five minutes later, add an apple sliced ​​with thin slices, sprinkle with sugar (or honey) and cinnamon. Butter? Please - your taste. Bon Appetit!

Even the little girl will ask for an additive. 4 recipe for perfect breakfasts - and all without lumps 19278_2

Victor Dragunsky. "Denisian stories"

Mac Porridge

Everyone remembers how Denis Kodlev suffered from the semolina: and Khrena added to her, and Solil, and sweetened, and it was still tasteful. Poor! Specially for him we are talking about a truly delicious dish from Manka - Manna Casha with Poppy. She looks like pudding, blanmge or exquisite dessert. You will never throw it out onto the street.

Even the little girl will ask for an additive. 4 recipe for perfect breakfasts - and all without lumps 19278_3

So, the culinary poppy from the bag should be pouring boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Macharges water and swell. Couple in a saucepan of milk, a spoonful of sugar, a semolina, and then add a poppy there. The real vanilla or vanilline will not interfere. On a small fire, stirring, bring porridge to a boil and boil a minute, continuing to interfere. Remove the saucepan from the fire, cover the lid and give it to breed 10-15 minutes.

Polenta with cheese and oil

This porridge has many names. In Romania, her name is Mamalygoy, in Italy - Polenta. In Georgia, this is a goll, in Ukraine - Banosh. Corn flour porridge - an old way to sound and delicious to feed the whole family. If you do not like sweet breakfasts at home, exquisite Italian cheese and oil and oil is your option.

Even the little girl will ask for an additive. 4 recipe for perfect breakfasts - and all without lumps 19278_4

Pass the corn flour (yes, it is the flour of a large grinding, and not a croup: so porridge is welded faster), reduce the fire and, constantly stirring on a small fire, boil five minutes. Important! Porridge can burn instantly, do not cease to interfere. And she causally can "shoot" from under the lid, do not let the children closely. After 7-8 minutes of cooking, turn off the fire and cover the saucepan with a cover for 3-5 minutes, let me laugh. Serve with butter, in porridge cheese (sheep, cheese, goose, with mold, dutch, parmesan) and (optional) sprinkled with greens and freshly ground pepper.

Milk rice with pumpkin

The most beautiful and most fragrant, this porridge will require you a little more trouble. Cut the pumpkin on the cubes with a side of 2 cm, put on the creamy oil until soft - in the oven or in a frying pan.

Even the little girl will ask for an additive. 4 recipe for perfect breakfasts - and all without lumps 19278_5

In boiling milk pour round rice, reduce fire, add sugar, vanillin, cinnamon and baked pumpkin cubes. Boil until readiness under the lid on a small fire, sprinkle a ready-made porridge at the walnut, cinnamon and sugar powder. And by the way, if the rice for some reason does not suit you, the same can be done with a militant cereal. It will be no less tasty and cozy - an excellent breakfast of the day off, when you do not need to run anywhere.

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