Former Agent KGB: Russian special services manipulated a tripmp by more than 40 years

Former Agent KGB: Russian special services manipulated a tripmp by more than 40 years 19228_1

Russian special services were manipulated by Donald Trump for more than 40 years and considered it so useful that they even organized the celebrations in Moscow, "the GUARDIAN told the former spy KGB.

Yuri Schvets, directed to Washington by the Soviet Union in the 1980s, compares the former US President with the Cambridge Five: The British Spy Network, which passed Moscow Secrets during the Second World War and at the beginning of the Cold War.

"Often people recruited still by students, and then they occupied important positions. Something similar happened with Trump, "said the Swapers to journalists on the phone from his house in Virginia.

The 67-year-old Ex-Major KGB has become a key source for the new book of the journalist Craig Unger Compromat, exploring the relationship between the former president with Russia.

In the 1980s, the Shvets worked in Washington under the cover, arriving as a correspondent of the Russian information agency TASS. In 1993, Yuri moved to the United States and received American citizenship. He was also partner of Alexander Litvinenko, who was killed in London in 2006, and now works by the investigator on corporate security.

In the book Unger describes how Trump first appeared on the radar of Russians. The future president of the United States became the object of the spyware, which was controlled by the special services of Czechoslovakia in cooperation with the KGB in 1977 - when he married the Czech model Ivan Zelnitsky.

After three years, opening the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Trump bought 200 televisions from Kislin seeds: an emigrant from the USSR presumably collaborated with the KGB. Although Kislin himself denies his relationship with intelligence, according to Sweden, it was he who drew the attention of Russia to Trump, having considered that it was worth recruiting.

In 1987, the Trump for the first time visited Moscow and St. Petersburg, where the KGB staff had already been waiting for him, the head of the state of the state by compliments and encouraging the idea that he should do politics.

"They collected a lot of information about his personality, so they knew what he represented himself. - tells the Shvets - they came to the conclusion that it is extremely vulnerable to intellectually and psychologically, a fall on flattery. They used it. "

"They did the form that he was extremely impressed with his personality: they say once he must become president of the United States. [They told Trump] that only such as he can change the world. "

Shvets recalls, as soon after returning to the US, Trump first thought about politics. In September, the businessman bought advertisements at once in three major American newspapers, calling America to "stop paying for the protection of countries that themselves can afford it" and accusing "Japan and other states" in the operation of the United States. According to the ex-agent, in the KGB, this step was met with delight.

The Unger himself believes that Russia did not have a "grandee" plan over time to make a president from Donalda Trump.

"He acted as an asset. - explains the journalist - at the time when it all started, that is, about the 1980s, the Russians were recruiting like crazy, they took on many dozens of people. "

"Trump has become an ideal goal in many ways: his vanity and narcissism made it a light target. It was treated for 40 years, right up to election. "

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