12 false truths that we strongly imposes society, and they are not worth a penny


There is a certain set of phrases that many are guided in their lives. However, most often the experience suggests that it is not worth it to trust it, when they say "tell the truth, and you will not be anything", "Appearance is not the main thing" or "My secret is simple: I work a lot." The share of truth is there, but in each word and every situation there are many pitfalls.

Adme.ru stumbled upon a discussion where people frankly told what quotes and statements issued for truths in the last instance did not actually endured the test of life. And we illustrated a couple of situations from our experience. And as a bonus, we show how the society for years affects us, and then it requires unreal.

1. "If you tell me the truth, you will not have problems"

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  • In childhood, I realized that if my mother does not know anything and I am quite good enough, then the punishment will not. Now I carefully treat the punishment of my children when they say the truth. I do not want them to associate honesty with punishment. © CINNAMONBITS2 / Reddit
  • I speak my 7-year-old son: "If you tell me the truth, then the punishment will not be so terrible." Told the truth? 10-minute timeout in the corner. Lit? House arrest. Works well. © InconsPicuously_Here / Reddit
  • As a child, Mamam drew off the fact that I was laying her, and I read the notation that you could never lie! After 2 hours, the boss called her to her home, and the mother began to ask me to smear her, such as it was not at home. I replied something like this: "Hello, hello, Moms are not at home, but you can not lie, so I give her a phone." Silently gave the mother phone and went back to play. Mom did not scold - on the contrary, laughed, but after that I only told the truth with me. © Wotkiday / Pikabu

2. "Good will get to the one who knows how to wait"

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© Joy_Studio / Shutterstock

  • Please stop waiting and achieve good results. I was waiting for more than 2 years, I hoped that everything would be better for itself. Think that when you reach the bottom, you have nowhere to go, except up, right? Soon you will find that the ocean is much deeper than you imagine, and if you do not start sailing up, then you will continue to sink. © fudge_suprem / reddit
  • The one who is only waiting may not wait. If you really want something, you need to either hint to someone who can give it to you, or do something yourself so that it came to you. And good things go to those who deserve them, and not just sitting and waited. © Dmitry Lotov / Bolshoyvopros

3. "If you don't love me in bad times, you do not deserve and good"

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  • The phrase is associated with toxic relationships, of which you urgently need to run. © SwallowYoursadness / Reddit
  • How often this phrase is used to justify terrible behavior! No one has the right to handle others like garbage and then so just apologize for it. © Secondhandsisters / Reddit

4. "No matter who the first began"

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© Not Another Teen Movie / Columbia Pictures

  • Of course, it is important to damn. Even legally vital to know who is a sweeping situation. © ACTUALTYMELL / REDDIT
  • In the eldest school, the same girls mocked me every day. It lasted for months. In the end, by their fault, we had a large skirmish. I was disqualified because I participated in it. School management said: "No matter who started it," and I remained guilty with everyone. © MJhansen17 / Reddit
  • I always hated this phrase at school. I wonder what await from the second when hooligan hit him? © Camilopezo / Reddit

5. "You can't buy happiness for money"

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© RHYMESLIVE / Twitter

  • Usually this quote is used by those who are rich before disgrace. © DothisNowWW / Reddit
  • You do not need money to be happy, but you need shelter, warmth, food and water. And these things now stand damn condition. © SwallowYoursadness / Reddit
  • He quarreled with a colleague about this. He told me this phrase, and I replied: "I do not agree. I switched to a TV with a diagonal of 65 inches, and it made me happy. I also bought my niece to draw my nephew, and she looked pretty happy when she got them. " We create memories with the help of things that we bought with the help of gifts that we have given. Money definitely helps to feel better. © korrasami253 / reddit

6. "Believe in yourself, and everything will work out."

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  • In Instagram, 320 thousand people were signed on me. Whatever you say, without advertising it is very difficult to make a noticeable breakthrough. With advertising you will move with the speed of the rocket, without it - with the speed of snail. Initially, advertising can be attached modest means, start making money on a blog and invest in further development. I did this. © Maria Nikitina / Nikitina.social
  • How many successful people were helped by the money of parents! They financed their business, the idea, and those "did the way to the top." © Geminii27 / Reddit
  • It is always unpleasant to hear how successful and famous people say that if you believe in yourself and try enough, then you will succeed. Well, yes, you succeeded, but there are thousands of other people who worked hard and believed in themselves, but did not succeed. © 53BVO / Reddit
  • It is so stupid ... I can't be an astronaut NASA, if I have some kind of problem with the lungs. And I can't recover only because I believe in my senses. © Matt872000 / Reddit

7. "Good grades in school - a sign of mind"

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  • I have an example of my own life. My husband, the impossible triple, did not study at school at all, did not reach the release, I was miraculously before the release, now the steep pilot. And I, an excellent study, I sit on his neck. In the second decet. And I do not want to work. © mkmurmur / pikabu
  • When I studied at school, I had a classmate Kostya. He was not a round two, but just a triple, but the guy's earliest, intelligent and rather erudite. He was always for me and often written off, and I was very happy. And I was glad that why: he, when he wrote off, always found my mistakes and fixed them. Damn the wizard, how did he do it? © *** / Pikabu
  • Mom was transferred to me in the 2nd quarter of the 7th grade from "B" in "B". There was one "insignificant" problem: 2 years I studied French, and in "B" studied only English, and at the end of the year there should have been an exam! Mom hired a tutor, and I began to comprehend a new language. He was worn hard, I really liked English, especially what everything worked for me. As a result, at the time of passing the exam, I caught up with our class (for 3 quarters of the school year). And here is the day exam. Take 2 teachers: our and older classes. I went to answer not to my teacher. I read, translated, even answered questions. And the teacher says: "Good. Good four! " My happiness was not the limit: I could! But it lasted only seconds 15. Suddenly, my teacher turns and declares to the whole class: "What ahead?! Put her Troika! She teaches English less than a year! " And I shrugged Troyak. Everything! How cut off. I still do not know English, since after that exam, the desire to study him completely disappeared. © Annandre / Pikabu
  • In the late 90s, there have been a transition from a 5-point estimation system for 10-point. Once I came to the pature something to recount individually and saw a strange picture. The student who was for the year younger than me, persuaded the teacher to put 5 points to him, and not 6. The teacher after long persuasion set the top five, shrugged, they say, a strange one, and the student went satisfied. I thought the same thing. And then it came to me. He received some five and four courses, proudly showed the parents of parents who did not know that he studies on a 10-point system, and thought that the son was almost an excellent student. And here such a cant - the teacher suddenly decided to put "6" him. © Badalamento / Pikabu

8. "Do not sleep, sleep happiness"

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© Face to Face / Facetoface / Reporter / East News

  • In fact, the lack of sleep makes you more tired, weak and reduces the life expectancy. Sleep just needed to people. © Byawaworht / Reddit
  • I am very worried when I say that I'm tired, and someone else begins to brag that he slept only 2 hours, so it was clearly more tired than me. They say, because I slept as many as 6 hours. © Madi27 / Reddit
  • To driving in the dark, I try to treat very responsible, especially after one case. 8 years ago came home tired and exhausted hour 2 nights. What I just did not try to fight with a dream: I drank a liter of coffee, cutting music to full, opened all the windows. But, without reaching 6 km to the destination, I realized that everyone came. He moved to the double, leaning the chair and forgotten the hedgehog bed ... And now some crypto, the metal crumbles, shouts. Here I open my eyes and see the steering wheel in front of myself and myself in a horizontal position ... I didn't expect such a reaction from myself: a bullet jumping out of the car, I started running around with the cries of the crazy, waving my hands, how the birds were drunk, who chose the roof of my car. It turned out that the sounds of the grincling "in a dream" created these birds who went on the roof of the car, and my tired brain took it quite differently. But the dream took off as a hand, and after 10 minutes I was at home. But since then I try not to bring to this and get enough sleep before long trips. © SirGrumppseLot / Pikabu

9. "The appearance does not matter"

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Everyone says that appearance is not the main thing when there is something else, except for appearance.

  • When I was 20 years old, I weighed 180 kg. A few years ago, I took half, and everyone suddenly began to treat me better, I could easily find a job, and in general everything became easier. Appearance is definitely important. © FenixFrost / Reddit

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  • I heard that employers decide whether a person is suitable for work, during the first 5 seconds of the interview. For many years I thought it was nonsense until it was on the other side of the table. The candidate who enters the room in a suit and confidently behaves, will be more chances than a suton man in jeans, even if the last 10 times more qualified. I would like us, people, more controlled themselves and cared for themselves. © monkey_scandal / reddit

10. "I am what is"

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© Everett Collection / East News

  • Personally, I think it means that you should not change in accordance with the expectations or preferences of other people. Although it sounds as if you should never change or grow at all that, obviously, unhealthy. © MayBeagayBee / Reddit
  • Often meet people who cover this phrase lazy and reluctance to work on themselves. As a result, dialogues with a similar person usually look like this: "Always late? Well, I'm! " "I forget what promised? Well, so I'm. " "Change? Then I will not be me. " From once again, a person as if defended its right to remain himself. In a word, some people raised the idea of ​​adoption on an inaccessible height of the absurd. "I am what is, and I don't think to change." Although it is obvious that it should change as follows.

11. "Find a deal that you love, and you will not work for a single day"

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© Utrecht Robin / Abaca / Abaca / East News, © UFABIZPHOTO / Shutterstock

  • I came to the conclusion that people are usually not passionate about their work. Of course, some like it, but this is not a hobby. I personally believe that any hobby that you turn into the need, kills your love for this case. I would prefer the saying "Do what you think tolerant, and waste money on what you really love." Also in some hobbies it is impossible to build a career. My passion for running is unlikely to bring me income. In addition, some people in general have no interests. © TheSupremegrape / Reddit
  • Many people are mistaken, turning the hobby in his career. By nature, the hobby is what you do to remove stress, relax, feel better to restore the connection with yourself. You can postpone the hobby forever and return it when you need, no problem. If you turn it into work, for something you need for your earnings, you will stop love your passion and you will look for anything else to recharge yourself. © Koreiryuu / Reddit
  • The main misconception is that many people think that everyone has a passionate passion by some kind of business, a dream. Such madness units. Most people are not ready to devote anything all their time. They reconcile with the fact that our life is nothing but a routine work that we must do everything. © cybyss / reddit

12. "I'm just honest"

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© East Newscap / SFS / Capital Pictures RUSSIA / EAST NEWS

  • People who say they are "cruel, but honest", usually more cruel than honest. © jediciahquinn / reddit
  • Have you ever noticed how many people who are "saying as is" are usually not like when they say to them? © Distantapplause / Reddit
  • Some people believe that sympathy or thoughtfulness in choosing words is a sign of weakness. No, this is a sign of a decent person - to choose words so as not to offend and not upset someone. Not in vain, when my girl gained weight, I tactfully suggested starting to train together, and not stated: "Damn it, what is it with you?!" © Lukewarmcola / Reddit

Bonus: And where is justice?

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There are famous expressions in which you are disappointed?

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