Leia Ahacedzhakova spoke on rallies in support of Alexei Navalny


In January, and, if more precisely, at 23 and 32 numbers were rallies in support of Alexei Navalny, where it was detained, a total of 10,000 people. In early February, it became known that the country's main oppositionist was sentenced to 2 years and 8 months of the colony. Hurried to speak out about this Actress Leia Ahacedzhakova.

Leia Ahacedzhakova spoke on rallies in support of Alexei Navalny 18930_1
Video screenshot from tvrain.ru

She gave an interview to the Rain TV channel.

The TV presenter live asked the actress to share his thoughts:

Leia Ahacedzhakova complained that time would not be enough to express all the accumulated indignation. First of all, the actress spoke about the arrest Alexei Navalny:

"This is such a degradation of the judicial system, simply no words." "And these squadrons of death are the worst revelation. These are the hordes of astronauts who surrounded, I have never been in this litigation, never had anything like that, even when they were judged by those who turned out to be enemies and went to the Swamp area. Even this was not there! Especially terrible Rosgvardia's tartwasters - with the red stripe armored cars "
Leia Ahacedzhakova spoke on rallies in support of Alexei Navalny 18930_2
Leia Ahacedzhakova, photo: m.kino-teatr.ru

Lia Ahacedzhakova also gratitude to young journalists:

My huge thanks to young journalists who worked on the 31st and 2nd during the trial. And how the security officials had enough, which went to the streets. They did not burn anything, did not fight, but there were provocateurs that were trying to call them on some disgrace and did not work "

Also, the actress mentioned that her point of view was separated by Pasha Tabakov and Dmitry Krym. Thanked Leah Ahacedzhakov and the actors of her age, which were not left to lie on the sofa and went out to support Navalny.

"They went out to the streets - such faces are wonderful, they are not afraid and will not be afraid"

Liya Medezhidovna spoke. And you know who supported Alexei Navalny from the stars. What did it cost and how subscribers reacted. It also became aware of the reaction of the celebrities of Russia for the arrest of the oppositionist. Social networks just shot with indignation. A minor daughter Mikhail Efremova also did not remain aside and supported Navalny. She went to the rally.

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