Currant cultivation: the most frequent mistakes that deprive you harvest


    Good afternoon, my reader. Not always the difficult seasonal work of summer residents crowned abundant harvest. Errors made in caring for currant are wrapped with a decrease in the quality and the number of collected berries. And in some cases, plants are completely stopped fruit.

    Currant cultivation: the most frequent mistakes that deprive you harvest 18734_1
    Currant growing: the most frequent mistakes that are deprived of you by harvesting Maria Verbilkova

    Currant. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Garden culture is extremely negatively reacting to moisture deficit. Prolonged drought leads to slow motion and loss of a significant part of the crop. Even if the plant is flashing and will form a wound, then the fruits will lose product quality: they will be small, and the juicy flesh will replace dry, dense skin.

    To increase the yield of currant, you need to take the rule to water berry bushes 3 times for the whole season:

    • The first moisturizing of the soil is made in the late spring - the beginning of the summer, because during this period the formation of uncess;
    • The second watering is carried out at the end of June, when the ripening of fruits begins;
    • For the third time, the soil is abundantly moisturized after harvest - this procedure is included in the probability program, since it provides a normal vegetation in the future season.
    Currant cultivation: the most frequent mistakes that deprive you harvest 18734_2
    Currant growing: the most frequent mistakes that are deprived of you by harvesting Maria Verbilkova

    Currant. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Berry shrub over the season of vegetation strongly depletes the soil. If the plant does not feed mineral complexes and organic, it will definitely end with a decrease in yield. And in critical cases, the plant will simply stop fruit.

    At the end of the season, the currants feed the superphosphate mixture (40-50 g) and potassium sulfate (20-30 g). In dry weather, fertilizer is made under the root along with watering. In the rainy season, the feeder scatter in the root zone, slightly close it in the ground.

    In addition to mineral components, the plant needs an organic matter (humid, compost, wood ash). It mulk the rolling circle: in the summer - to keep in soil moisture, and in the fall - in the framework of preparation for wintering to protect the roots.

    Mulching of the soil frees the dachnings from unnecessary work. The layer of bevelled grass, hay, humoring or compost delays moisture in the ground, does not give her to stop and cracking. In addition, mulch prevents weed growth that cultivated cultivated plants. The protective layer must be from 5 to 10 cm.

    Sanitary haircut is needed by currant bushes to save them from old, dry and damaged shoots that slow down the development and fruiting. In addition, the removal is subject to tops growing inside the crown.

    Currant cultivation: the most frequent mistakes that deprive you harvest 18734_3
    Currant growing: the most frequent mistakes that are deprived of you by harvesting Maria Verbilkova

    Currant trimming. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Trimming gives a shrub well-groomed look. In addition, this procedure rejuvenates the plant, stimulating the growth of young shoots, on which the subsequent harvest will be formed.

    So that the plant does not hurt and well fruits, in the late autumn (before wintering) on ​​an adult bush leave 4-5 powerful shoots. All others are removed almost under the root. Refusal of the pruning procedure leads to a rapid aging of a berry culture.

    Smorodine bushes even with strong immunity are not able to withstand possible diseases and all types of insects. This danger may occur at any stage of vegetation of the plant.

    Currant cultivation: the most frequent mistakes that deprive you harvest 18734_4
    Currant growing: the most frequent mistakes that are deprived of you by harvesting Maria Verbilkova

    Currant protection. (Photo used by standard license ©

    To protect the shrub from infections and pests, it is propyly treated with chemicals. Against fungal diseases, the plant is sprayed three times with 1% burgundy fluid solution: early spring, during flowering period and late autumn.

    Nothing will prevent you from enjoying a generous harvest of juicy sour-sweet berries. You just need to properly organize a plant care.

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