Lesovoz was overloaded on 8 tons - spring could not stand and the logs fell on people. The case is transferred to court

Lesovoz was overloaded on 8 tons - spring could not stand and the logs fell on people. The case is transferred to court 18701_1
Lesovoz was overloaded on 8 tons - spring could not stand and the logs fell on people. The case is transferred to court 18701_2
Lesovoz was overloaded on 8 tons - spring could not stand and the logs fell on people. The case is transferred to court 18701_3
Lesovoz was overloaded on 8 tons - spring could not stand and the logs fell on people. The case is transferred to court 18701_4

The Investigation Department of the UK in the Mogilev region completed the investigation of the criminal case on the overthrowing of the forestry in the Mogilev region. Accident happened in the morning of November 21, 2020. Man died, one more injured.

As reported in the Investigative Committee, the 30-year-old driver of the MAZ car in one of the forestry of Byhhovsky district carries out the loading of the forest assortment into the car trailer. During the load, the man exceeded the permissible load capacity of the trailer for 8080 kg and laid the wood with an excess of the dimensional height of the racks. At the same time, the cargo did not fix due to the absence of linking cables on the trailer. After that, the driver headed for public roads towards Mogilev to the place of unloading.

- According to the criminal case materials, about 13 hours 30 minutes, driving along the street of the village in the village of Novoselki Mogilevsky district, the driver did not take into account the features and condition of the vehicle transported by them, on the roundabout of the road, the incorrect receptions of the car applied. This led to a breaking one of the springs, tilting the trailer and spread logs to the side of the road, where the 68-year-old cyclist and 64-year-old driver of the Motoblock were moving, "said SK.

As a result of the road accident, the cyclist from the injuries received died at the scene, and heavy bodily injuries were caused by the motor-block driver.

The investigative-operational group was inspected the scene of the incident, the trace picture was recorded. Associated relatives of the victims and colleagues of the accused. Analyzed and admitted to the materials of the criminal case of video recreation chambers of outdoor observation, the conclusion of forensic, automatic and other expertise, which was conducted by the GKS staff.

"According to the conclusion of a judicial car expertise, the speed of the road train at the time of the incident was 62 km / h with the maximum allowed on this section of the road 40 km / h, the official representative of the UK in the Mogilev region Anastasia Lavrinovich noted. - According to the investigation, the excess of the high-speed regime together with the overload of the timber in the trailer and the absence of cargo fastening is in a causal connection with the perfect traffic accident and the consequences: the death of one person and the causation of grave injuries to the second.

The driver was charged under Part 2 of Art. 317 of the Criminal Code - "Violation of the Rules of Road Traffic and Operations of Vehicles by the person managed by the vehicle, which caused the death of a person's death and causing grievous injuries." At the time of the investigation, a preventive measure was applied in the form of a safety subscription and proper behavior. In SC reported that the man was acknowledged in full and repented.

The criminal case was transferred to the prosecutor to send to court.

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