The Youth Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Nizhny Novgorod Region is gaining to the team of Eco -activists

The Youth Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Nizhny Novgorod Region is gaining to the team of Eco -activists 18629_1

The Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Youth Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Timur Kochetkov is gaining to the team of environmental activists. He has already begun to develop and implement its projects. At the moment, Timur is preparing a project associated with particularly protected natural territories (PAs) in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

"I am gaining to the team not only those who are not indifferent to the ecology of people who are ready to help implement environmental projects, but also those who have ideas in the field of ecology. The issues of ecoprosis and environmental legislation are very important in the modern world, and at any age, therefore there is no age limit to participate in the extension of the ecoprojects. I will consider each idea, if necessary, I will help to modify it, I will tell you how to act. In case the project can be implemented here and now, we will work in this direction. Ecology needs to solve. I hope that together with like-minded people, we will achieve significant results that will contribute to the achievement of targets of the National Project "Ecology", "Timur Kochetkov told.

27-year-old Timur Kochetkov is a graduate of the Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation. For two years, it has been working in the Ministry of Extraction of the Region Consultant of the Legal Department and represents the interests of the Office in the courts of the Russian Federation and other state bodies, and also advises employees on legal issues, in parallel engaged in public environmental activities.

Officially approval of the composition of the youth government of the Nizhny Novgorod region occurred on December 3, 2020. From that moment on, his members began their activities and acquaintance with their profile ministries, regional development plans, as well as with activities that aims to support young people in the region.

To become part of the team of the Youth Minister of Ecology, it is necessary to send a brief information about yourself, specifying the name, age, place of study / work, contact details, as well as make suggestions on project implementation by mail: [email protected]. According to the results of viewing, the applications will be organized with the meeting of the youth minister with eco -activists, whose participants will make a plan for further work.


The youth government is operating on an ongoing basis by a collegial advisory body under the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region. It was created with the aim of interacting young people living in the region, with the executive authorities, bringing it to participate in socio-political and socio-economic life. The Most Youth Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region included 14 young people aged 18 to 35 years. Tatyana Starova was elected chairman of the youth government. The Vice-Chairman became the youth minister of the internal regional and municipal policies of the Nizhny Novgorod region Kirill Kartashev.

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