Approved by connoisseurs. The most delicious sorts of garden pears


    Good afternoon, my reader. Pear you can not call the most simple culture. It is for this reason that most of the gardeners when choosing a plant of planting plants are guided by the indicators of winter hardiness, yield and resistance to diseases. Do not yet forget about the pleasures - let the crop of pears please you and taste quality. The article describes the most attractive fruits of the varieties of this culture.

    Approved by connoisseurs. The most delicious sorts of garden pears 18624_1
    Approved by connoisseurs. The most delicious sorts of garden pears Maria Verbilkova

    Pears. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Low (height from 2.5 to 3.5 meters) The trees of the described variety are pleased with the gardeners harvesting large (weighing 130 grams) of fruits. Their snapped with small spots of the skin has a property of changing the color from green to yellowish in the process of maturation. The pear contained inside the taste is filled with juice and painted in white.

    From one tall tree of the described variety, you can collect up to 180 kilograms of fruits whose weight is usually about 110 grams. Covering pears yellowish with a red or raspberry rumbling skin hides under him a fragrant oily flesh. The fruits of the Belarusian late pear are adapted to long-term storage.

    The shoots of the described variety may suffer from damage to diseases and pests. Spectacular in the second half of September, the crop of the Belarusian late pear begin to collect in advance - 2-3 weeks before full ripening.

    Spacious crowns of the trees of this variety swept up with smooth skin-protected greenish fruits whose sides decorate orange blushes. Weight pears can reach 140-200 grams, their light semi-wave pulp has a saturated, with an acid taste. Most often, the fruits of the velves are in a fresh form.

    Fragrances like a nutmessing the fruits of Duchess can be painted in various shades of green, but after the collection usually turn yellow. Their light pulp appreciated the similarity of taste with the taste of sweet wine. Reaching weights about 180 grams of pears are used in the manufacture of dried fruits and canned products.

    Approved by connoisseurs. The most delicious sorts of garden pears 18624_2
    Approved by connoisseurs. The most delicious sorts of garden pears Maria Verbilkova

    Pears. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Sit down a pear in the immediate vicinity of the pollinist plants - the shoots of the forest beauty or lovers of Clapps. Durable frosts and arid periods may result in poor consequences for culture. The harvest of Duchess Summer is kept by the end of August.

    The trees achieved in the height of 4 meters of the described variety bring a crop of small (weighing about 90 grams) ruddy red fruits. Their juice saturated with juice contains a large amount of sugar, due to which it has a saturated sweet taste. Pears of this variety prefer to use for the preparation of various dishes, and not in fresh form.

    Reaching weights 180-230 grams Extracted fruits Favorite Clapps are painted in a yellowish color, their sides adorns a bright scarlet blush. Protecting pear smooth skin hides under him fragrant pulp, whose saturated taste gives a light sourness.

    The plant needs a neighborhood of pollinators - suitable, for example, Sumy Summer. A rich crop harvest is sleeping with the onset of August.

    The cone-shaped form of yellowish color The fruits of Muscovites inside contain a coarse-grained air flesh. Weight pears can be from 140 to 200 grams.

    The variety is great for growing inhabitants of the middle strip - the shoots of Muscovite are not afraid of frosts, but they are poorly experiencing periods of dry weather. A rich harvest of the described variety can be collected in mid-September.

    The appearance of the fruit of Olivier de Croner is deceptive - non-zero pears inside contain metow-saturated with juice, the taste of which is often compared with the taste of almonds. Reaching weights 150 grams Fruits Olivier de Serrice are flag fresh or used for the manufacture of canned products. They are perfectly adapted for transportation and storage.

    The harvest of this winter variety is sleeping by early October.

    From one tree of the described variety, up to 100 kilograms of fruits covered with a rumbling weighing from 125 to 150 grams are collected. Their juicy pulp is used to prepare various dishes, but pears of the memory of Yakovlev can be used in fresh form.

    The shoots of this variety easily oppose the causative agents of the disease and are experiencing decrease in temperature to -30 ° C without damage. The harvest of pears of the memory of Yakovleva begins in September and continues until October.

    The crowns of low-spirited trees sleep large (weighing about 200 grams) green fruits. The covering of their fragile skin hides the oily, slightly acidic to the taste of the pulp, teasing appetite with light fragrance.

    Approved by connoisseurs. The most delicious sorts of garden pears 18624_3
    Approved by connoisseurs. The most delicious sorts of garden pears Maria Verbilkova

    Pears. (Photo used by standard license ©

    The shoots of the described variety are not afraid of frosts and is perfectly opposed to causative agents of diseases. Vintage just Maria is cleaned in October.

    The weight of the fruits of Russian beauty in some cases can reach 300 grams, but it usually ranges from 180 to 250 grams. From one tree of this variety, you can collect about 140 kilograms of elongated yellowish pears, whose uneven sides decorate the pinkish blush. Inside the fruit fills the oily sweet pulp, which is often used for the manufacture of a variety of drinks and jams.

    The yellowish pear color weighing from 100 to 140 grams protects thin skin. The taste and fragrance of their tender pulp is valued by gardeners. The fruits of the Chizhov pear can be in a fresh form or use in the manufacture of finished products.

    The shoots of the described variety of frost resistant and are easy to care, not terrible to them and the passage. The harvest of Chizhov pear is removed from the second half of August to mid-September.

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