10 oddities of Russian pregnancy and childbirth, which are confused by Europe


Perhaps, in each country of the world there are traditions and customs around such an interesting phenomenon as pregnancy - the coming to the world of the new soul is still considered one of the main sacraments, let the medicine have long been already knowing a lot about him.

But at the same time the difference of cultures sometimes makes generally accepted for foreigners the norms wildly in our eyes. It is fair that surprise works in the opposite direction, so that the superstitions we are familiar around the pregnancy are shocking people from the West. What Russian traditions cause more questions?


In Russia and the CIS countries about the upcoming replenishment in the family, they tell all relatives and girlfriends immediately - sometimes the news has time to operate in a circle of communication even before the doctor confirms it. Western girls try to hide the pregnancy before it becomes a noticeable naked eye, because there is always a risk to face miscarriage, and the fewer people know, the calmer.

10 oddities of Russian pregnancy and childbirth, which are confused by Europe 18593_1


"It's time to eat for two," "This child wants, not a mother," "You can not deny pregnant in the desired" - we have a sufficient amount of food features of behavior for pregnant women, and no one comes to limit them. In the remainder countries of the world, their diet is trying not to change, and the number of food consumed is strictly controlled.

10 oddities of Russian pregnancy and childbirth, which are confused by Europe 18593_2


In addition, foreigners surprises the attitude of our compatriots to the natives of the spots - we often say that the stain appears in the form of that product that Mom really wanted, but did not eat during pregnancy.


The bad sign that the haircut in an interesting situation may end up with premature births, has no good confirmation - nevertheless, quite a few future moms cease to visit the hairdresser before the Krestin themselves.

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European mothers sometimes exhibit photos on social networks directly from Rodzala, at the same time as Russian forbade the baby to take the first few months of his life. All because they can "smooth out".


Also at the first time after birth, they do not let anyone, except closest - sometimes this restriction is removed only to achieve six months. It is difficult to compare with loud parties on the first evening after discharge, as in Europe or America, right?

10 oddities of Russian pregnancy and childbirth, which are confused by Europe 18593_4


A strange habit of judging by the appearance of the mother about the future field of the child pushes the foreigners into a huge confusion. How does it work at all? In the sense of "Daughter stole beauty", so now the face swells so?


A strict ban on the purchase of any objects to the baby before birth has sad reasons - if the childbirth will pass hard, and the child will not survive, then all acquisitions or gifts will torment their parents in their loss. But at the same time, after a successful delivery, you don't beat the stores either. What to do? Europeans also do not imagine.

10 oddities of Russian pregnancy and childbirth, which are confused by Europe 18593_5


In the CIS countries, children are most often called in honor of the well-willed relatives and ancestors - in the West, call in honor of the "dead" seems frightening. Therefore, there you can see much more creativity with the names in the family, the members of one kind they rarely repeat.


Baptism immediately after birth is not so rare, but still already a rethinking tradition in the West, because there, in a large percentage, parents leave the child the opportunity to choose faith itself and to kill in a conscious age. We are not even thinking about this - and the holiday is arranged in the first months, so that it is possible to protect the newborn from evil forces as quickly.

10 oddities of Russian pregnancy and childbirth, which are confused by Europe 18593_6


We can not praise newborns, because they are afraid of a bad eye, or the evil eye, simply speaking. Curiously, do European know that we have pushes under the hem of the clothes? Abroad kid fall asleep with compliments all who saw him.

Read an interesting story from my parents: they pounced on a young mother in a minibus, she answered very worthily

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