Step Savelyev, Alina Shakhova. How do children live now, which the whole country once said


On the Internet, it is possible to become popular in one day. But does this success have this success? We tell us today about ordinary children who once become famous.

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Step, 2016 year

In April 2016, Mom Stepped Savelyev published on his page in social networks post with a request to support her son. She told that a 11-year-old boy was passionate about dinosaurs, but his hobby does not support classmates. In order to strengthen the faith of a child in himself, Svetlana offered to leave the photos of the steps.

A day later, the whole country knew about the boy from Moscow. Al-equinavid citizens launched #likestepan flash mob, which took part tens of thousands of users. Two days later, Stupa was invited to Urgant and gave rise to golden status in VC. Then there were ethers on the radio, media interviews and millions of fans who wrote: "Step, you are the best!".

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Step, 2020

At first time, Stupa actively promoted dinosaurs, even went to Kazan to open the Dino Park. However, a month later, the topic went on no, and the boy wondered: "What are you interested to read?". People did not know. They subscribed to Steppa not for the sake of dinosaurs and the boy, but because everyone signed up, and they too. The effect of the crowd.

By the summer of 2016, Stupa could himself guessed, or Mom suggested, but he started the canal on Youtube. Blog about dinosaurs lived half a year, then when the interest of the UGAS, the show "Diary of Clawkar" appeared. The schoolboy began to talk about his life. "Somehow I began to tease me at school at school. And I came up with that you can make such a show, "the first video signed the Step.

Noticed? "I started teasing me ..." That is, the boy again decided to press on pity. That's just this time did not work. Blog existed a little less than a year, with tens of thousands of views fell to several hundred. Page in VC also abandoned.

The boy returned to the same, where he started - to ordinary life.

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Alina, 2017

This story happened when Steppa still reached the "remnants" of glory. In the spring of 2017, Alina Shakhova started a boring blog on Youtube. Spelling and punctuation errors, video without plot. Of course, nobody watched them. Soon Alina decided to close the channel and even published a farewell video. But ... returned!

By the autumn, the girl had the first subscribers and she even decided to organize a meeting of fans. Alina dedicated to this event by five videos, carefully prepared, but ... no one came. With tears in his eyes, the schoolgirl told about it in a new video, and it unexpectedly scored 13,000,000 views.

Just think about thirteen million views!

As with a layer, the girl regretted, began to encourage, invite to local TV. She starred in a video with Denis Klyaver and met with Catherine Gamova in the center of Volleyball in Kazan. Alina Channel rose to half a million subscribers. Dozens of thousands of people subscribed to the empty page in Instagram.

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Alina, 2021

Alina did not change himself and continued to shoot the same type of bad quality rollers anything. Her blog and froze at a mark of 500 thousand subscribers. From May 2020, there are no more video on it. Other blog blogs are also inactive. Alina suffered the fate of Step.

Still, the stars of the Internet fade as fast as lighting up.

Do you remember these children?

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