Vladimir pulmonologist called ways to restore after coronavirus

Vladimir pulmonologist called ways to restore after coronavirus 18532_1

The main freelance pulmonologist of the Health Department of the Vladimir region Igor Petryakov on the air "Gubernia 33" told how to recover after the transferred coronavirus.

First of all, the doctor noted the difference between viral and microbial pneumonia.

- For viral pneumonia, the edema of the wall of air bubbles is characterized, the formation of small thrombas inside the vessels of the lungs. Hence the "matte glass" on the CT, this is different from the usual (microbial) pneumonia. In this case, Alveola swells: those air bubbles from which the lungs are made are flooded. The process can be compared with a sponge. With ordinary pneumonia, it is wet, and with viral moist, but not dry. Coronavirus, having its spikes, turned out to be the most predisposed to the pulmonary fabric, said Igor Petryakov.

The pulmonologist gave recommendations on the restoration of the recovered coronavirus infection. He says that patients with pneumonia really experienced a threat to life. And, as not with many infections, it felt. And after leaving fatigue.

- Often patients who have undergone COVID-19 come and complain about the lack of air. In most cases, they work normally. You need to check the heart, do the cardiogram, with complications - ultrasound. When a person sees that the indicators are normal, it calms down. However, weakness and fatigue preserves quite a long time, "the doctor stated.

It is best to come back to the usual rhythm of life walks, gymnastics (in moderation), multivitamins, and rational balanced nutrition. But avoid oily, fried, salty food.

What if the breath is preserved?

Igor Petryakov advises to explore the respiratory functions in the medical institution:

"The sword is a feeling, our perception. At an alarm, there is also a sword. For this, there is a tool method - spirography, cardiogram, heart ultrasound, blood test. If we have been treated with blood ducts - check blood clotting. Then, based on the results and is assigned treatment. ".

According to a specialist, now in the region there is a tangible decline in respiratory diseases.

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