Important stages of currant processing throughout the season


    Good afternoon, my reader. The currant bushes are subject to numerous diseases and attacks insect pests. To obtain a rich and high-quality harvest, it is necessary to carry out regular preventive work and culture treatment. The main thing is not to miss the five main stages, the beginning of which falls on early spring, and the end to the late autumn.

    Important stages of currant processing throughout the season 18523_1
    Important stages of currant processing throughout the season Maria Verbilkova

    The first trimming of bushes is carried out to swelling. During trimming, the branches affected by diseases are cut at the level with the soil, after them are necessarily burned.

    After trimming, the entire last year's foliage remains under the bushes. The moay of the soil under the currant and between the rows will avoid infection with anthyranets and septoriasis.

    During the swelling of the kidneys, but before their complete disclosure, it is necessary to process the currant busts with a solution of "AcTellic". For this purpose, 15 ml of the preparation is dissolved in 10 liters of water and spray plants. After 7 days, the procedure is repeated. "Aktellik" can be replaced with "NOVATICOM" - 5 ml on 10 liters of water, re-processing is carried out in two weeks.

    After the first spraying, the soil under the bushes are mounted peat, the minimum layer of which should be 6 cm. As spraying and mulching is important to carry out at a temperature not lower than +10 ° C.

    In the period of the bootonization, all the forces of culture are aimed at the marking of the future harvest. It is at this time that the bushes are most susceptible to diseases. Preventive processing will help currants to stay healthy. For spraying, one of the following solutions are used:
    1. "Azophos". 100 g of preparation on 10 liters of water. It is necessary to carry out 3 treatments, the interval between which is 3 days.
    2. "Sorrow." 4 ml on 10 liters of water. Conduct 2 processing. Interval between them 7 days.
    3. Bordeaux liquid. Apply 1% solution. It is necessary to 3 processing with an interval of 3 days.

    One of the most important stages. Non-raised berries, fresh foliage and young shoots attract numerous pests. Infectious and fungal diseases can also be shown.

    It should be considered the fact that the treatment of the plant at this stage may affect the quality of the future harvest. Therefore, prophylactic spraying is not carried out, but process culture only in the presence of explicit signs of infection or insect damage.

    Important stages of currant processing throughout the season 18523_2
    Important stages of currant processing throughout the season Maria Verbilkova

    During this period, the weeding and loosening of the soil between rows and under the bushes is of great importance. This procedure deprives insects of additional refuge and provides high-quality ventilation.

    The final stage of processing currant bushes after harvest is carried out only if the plant has obvious signs of diseases.

    Throughout the season, you should not forget about such events as regular watering, feeding, trimming. In aggregate with preventive processing, this will make it possible to get a high-quality and high harvest.

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