"And childbirth in a mask? We look at the partner and do not understand what he thinks about: eight women took part in the photo project about pregnancy in a pandemic


The photographer from Los Angeles Amy Hurriti worked for 2020 over a project about women whose pregnancy fell on this difficult time - the coronavirus pandemic.

Romper publication has published these photos and stories.

Hurriti called this project "very personal" - the idea appeared due to its own pregnancy.

"Despite the fact that the vulnerability that we all shared was constant, I was able to gain hope. Together, we were able to create a new life, "the photographer told.

Nicole Stark

From the day I learned about the fact that a child will appear in my life, a certain instinct told me that it was necessary to chat with other mothers. After childbirth, this desire only increased.

My five-month-old baby is so passionate about the world around him. He smiles to everyone and grabs everything that comes at hand. I really want him to communicate with the babies-peers. I would like to just like to sit and talk about the difficulties that come across in the postpartum period, and share your maternal experience with girlfriends, while our kids rolling on the rug.

Jesse M'Beng

Selfolation in such an important moment of life frightened me, but also helped us with a partner to get closing to the parents and prepare for parent without any distracting factors. I think that if a person can survive, being locked at home with me and my raging because of the pregnancy of hormones around the clock, then he loves me truly.

It was not easy to meet with Dobula in masks, because we discussed personal. And childbirth in a mask? We look at the partner and do not understand what he thinks and what feels. I want to see faces and emotions. Therefore, I was hard.

After giving birth, you expect people to visit and say: "Oh Lord, I can't wait to see him!" - Take a child in arms and admire them, and you will be proud of: "Look, what kind of child it turned out!" And now everything is on facetime, and such moments feel quite different.

Overseas Peak

My husband and I have decided that for six weeks we will not receive guests. It was hoping that grandparents would have time to make vaccinations during this time, and the Immune System of Romi would grow. But it was hard to accept this decision, especially after a whole year of self-insulation. The danger and unknownness of the virus frightened more and more, but self-isolation, social distance and quarantine became the most serious test for me. Communication was, but at the distance of an elongated hand.

Emma Kay Larsen

I like to share all events in life with my family and friends, but pregnancy during a pandemic seemed to me more personal experience. It's great that we and my husband had so much time to reflect and enjoy joyful excitement together. In addition, the slowdown in the workflow perfectly coincided with the days when they are lying in bed in the morning from what you feel bad. I am grateful for it.

I began to see my parents almost daily. There were no meetings with friends, so I got very close to my mother and dad, and I am incredibly grateful for it. I really do not know what I would do in the first two months of my daughter's life without family support, in particular, moms. She moved to me for six weeks and instructed us with her husband, how to be parents.

Marley Taylor

A very quick circle of my communication narrowed only to those people who respected the holiness of pregnancy. During a pandemic, you clearly understand who benefits you as a mother, and who is not.

Natalie Tyrei

I learned that I was pregnant, two weeks before the flights in Los Angeles stopped. All this was definitely not fitted into the picture, which I painted in my head. On my Babi-Shauer, everyone just drove at the house on cars, visits were banned in the hospital ... We could arrange meetings in the backyard, but there were no hugs and no one touched my tummy, and I wanted it.

Now, when the child was born, the most difficult to see the family rarely. There is a proverb: "We need a whole village to raise one child," but because of Kovida this "village" is not.

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