How to return money for the application or subscription iOS


Surely at least once a thought came to mind: "Why, why did I bought this application at all, it is useless!" Or "it would be better not to make this subscription." Indeed, sometimes the purchased application does not justify expectations, although such cases have become less after applications appeared with a free trial period. However, and among the latter there are unscrupulous developers, so in a situation where you need to return money in the App Store, each can get away. Apple does not prohibit returning money for applications and subscriptions, but there are certain subtleties that you need to know.

How to return money for the application or subscription iOS 18492_1
If you have made a purchase by chance, or you didn't like the application at all, you can return money

How to return money for iOS app

The easiest way to start the cash return procedure can be on the special Apple website from any device.
  1. Go to the website
  2. Enter using your Apple ID and password.
  3. Click the button, I need and select Request Returns. A list of applications and subscriptions available for compensation will appear. Select the application for which you want to request a cash refund. Also here you can return money for subscribing iOS.
  4. To apple does not dismiss your application, you must provide additional information. For example, you can specify that the purchase made by chance or child without your permission. There is also a reason "The purchased product is not working as expected."
  5. Send an application to Apple and wait for further instructions by mail.

Choose the cause depending on your situation, because in the future, Apple representatives can be contacted and refine the details about the return. I do not advise deceive if the lie opens, in the future you may forever prohibit making a return shopping in the App Store.

If the purchase you need is not displayed, wait a couple of days, because if the payment is on consideration, you will not be able to request a refund. Try re-submitting a request when the payment will be spent.

How much time apple returns money

After processing your application in Apple, the company either refuses you by informing the cause by email, or will return the money to the same payment method that was used to purchase goods. The return time depends on the payment method.

  • Bank card - up to 30 days. If during this time the money will not be received, you need to contact the bank.
  • With the help of funds on the account in the App Store - up to 48 hours.
  • Using the mobile phone account, it may take up to 60 days to appear the return of funds in the statement. Treatment time depends on your cellular operator.

For what reasons, Apple may refuse to return money

In some cases, Apple may not satisfy your request. As a rule, this happens for the following reasons: for example, if you too often requested the reimbursement of funds lately, or you have already returned for this reason. Apple quite carefully refers to erroneous boots from minors, and in this case you will strongly recommend to configure the "Screen Time" function and limit purchases for children. If you do not do this, you may be denied in a reuse of money. Share in the comments and in our telegram-chat your experience returning money for applications or subscriptions.

I would not really want this article to become an incentive to start writing to Apple's support to return money for applications that work perfectly. Let's be honest. And I will be very happy if this article really helps you solve the problems that have arisen.

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