Death in a dream: the family burned in the private house of Tatarstan - video


Death in a dream: the family burned in the private house of Tatarstan - video 18361_1

In Tatarstan, they said goodbye to the family who died as a result of a fire. A man, his two children and a father-in-law suffered smoke in a private house in Verkhneusylonian district. One of the dead is the Deputy Head of the Moscow Police Department. In the fact of the tragedy, investigators immediately opened a criminal case. The investigation took on special control of the prosecutor's office of the republic. For details of the tragedy, see the plot of TNV.

Burned rooms and knocked glass. This is what the place of the tragedy in the village of Pyddavorka is now looking. Fire flashed at eight in the morning. In a matter of minutes, he took four lives at once.

The bodies of the fallen firefighters were discovered inside the house. This is a whole family - grandfather, son-in-law and two grandchildren. The boys were eight and twelve years. One of the men was the deputy head of the Moscow Police Department, Ildar Kamalov. Cottage Family used as a cottage. This weekend men came to the house to warm the frozen heating. For this, used electrical and gas heaters.

- Currently, several versions of the emergence of fire are considered. Including the electrotechnical reason, as well as the violation of the rules of fire safety when using heating devices, the head of the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on the Republic of Tajikistan, Andrei Rodgyn, said.

As it became known in place, I was still in the morning Ildar Kamalov called his wife and said that heating is normal, and they lay down to relax. Everything else is known already from firefighters: according to their data, the fire began in the kitchen. At that moment everyone slept. In a dream and died from poisoning products of combustion. In the fact of the tragedy, a criminal case was initiated under the article "causing death by negligence."

"The children were on the second floor were found. Adult men - on the first floor. The case has been initiated. The investigation is being conducted, "the prosecutor of the Verkhneuslonian district of RT Vasily Egorov said.

The investigation took on special control of the prosecutor's office of the republic. At the place of the tragedy was the first deputy prosecutor Sergey Starostin. He conducted an operational meeting and instructed the law enforcement agencies to strengthen fire safety control. The district emergency commissions will have to work closely.

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