How I became a vegetarian

How I became a vegetarian 18294_1

Up to 33 years old, I was literally all: dumplings, pasta, McDonalds, drank Kola and hone it with chemical marmalads. Familiar, who for some reason do not eat, say, meat or do not drink milk, caused me a feeling of pity: how are they, poor, live an incomplete life.

The most amazing thing is, at the same time my mother has its own business club a healthy lifestyle. She tried to persuade a lot of tens of times to eat, then I realized that it would be enough to convince me to eat at least somehow. "The main thing is not starvation," Mom said. But more clearly did not expect, did not even offer to play sports and drink vitamins.

And once we met with a girlfriend, with which they did not communicate for a long time, and said eight hours in a row: the benefits of vegetables, especially raw, and the dangers of meat and milk. After that conversation, I went at three in the morning to the store and bought cucumbers, tomatoes, avocado, pomelo, bananas and tangerines. And one day passed on raw vegetables and fruits. The dumplings were broken in the freezer for another two weeks, but when it became clear that I would not return to them back, they went to the garbage. By the way, when I first came to the supermarket for the first time after the conversation, I realized that there was practically nothing there: 90% of the goods on the shelves suddenly became garbage for me.

The most difficult thing was in the first couple of days: I really wanted to eat. Especially "successfully" I agreed to go with friends to the cottage. I come, and there on the table only sausage and cheese. I imperceptibly ate my avocado and caught up with mandarins. No one noticed anything. And run forward to say that I managed to hold my diet secret from the friends of another three months. I did not want to tell anyone about vegetables, because the theme of food is extremely explosive. Especially if you are new vegetarian and you can not yet present results in appearance and well-being. "Do not eat meat? Your hair will fall tomorrow. Do not drink milk? Teeth will fall out. " But the girlfriend initially warned me that most people believe: to be healthy skin, hair and nails, you need to eat skin, hair and nails (meat, dairy products, bread). And you can not answer the attackers you can not, because you yourself do not know, fall out or not.

Even now, when familiar says that they are tormented by a runny nose, and I recommend to remove all dairy products for a couple of weeks, I answer: "How is it all? And cottage cheese too? And kefir? Well, no, it's too. " Food, it turns out, is very important even for those who do not say that he is a groom.

The effect of power change became noticeable very quickly. After three days, colleagues began to look at me with exclamations: "You're so much! What are you doing?" We had dialogs as in a joke: "I do not eat meat, fish, eggs, milk, gluten, sugar, do not drink tea, coffee, alcohol, doing yoga in the morning and in the evening, drink water, make a contrasting shower and pass 10 thousand steps in day". "Oh, I also have a pedometer!". Well, what will answer here.

By the way, in parallel, I translated my dog ​​with canned meat and vegetables. I wanted raw, but she forbade a gastroenterologist. So the dog with the dog simultaneously moved to the nate.

For the three months, I lost 14 kg, although I had no goals to lose weight. Then, just my girlfriend-stylist was my head and noticed that my hair falls stronger than it is supposed. She advised to drink biotin - it can be ordered to "Aiherbe", it is written on the biodeadow: "Leather, hair and nails." But I did not listen to her advice: it's all nonsense, I thought, the body all produces.

At the same time, the dog climbed wool. In a veterinary store, an experienced advisory girl gried: "And you don't know what you need to give fish oil? It is good for skin and wool, and also has an anti-inflammatory action. " I immediately bought the jar and after a week I saw the effect on my sensitive dog: the wool would illumine, the skin was smoothed. In shock from what I saw, I ran for fish fat for myself. The result also did not make himself wait: leather glitter, the hair flowed like a shampoo's advertising. I began to advise everyone: "Get off Ohgue-3, it works cool!" Most people miss such advice by ears: "All these dietary supplements are wiring for money." True, there were those who even bought a jar, but the effect did not notice and lost interest in fishing fat. I first could not understand what it was, and then my mother explained: many things do not absorb, if you first not put food. The body does not see vitamins, if clogged, say, gluten.

After another couple of months, I began to try the products from my prohibited list and watch what would happen. He drank coffee - the clock twelve pounded the heart, it is impossible to work, I had to return the chicory. Milk swallowed - immediately felt spasms in the stomach. Now I know for sure that milk, even coconut, I can drink only sitting directly on the toilet. I ate cottage cheese or cheese - immediately laid the nose, snot appeared. I ate candy - the pimples came out (naturally, on the face - on the back it would not be so instructive).

Later, numerous doctors have influenced my nutrition, with whom I spoke on work. So, during an interview with the immunologist Admiram Abidov, I learned that preservatives that manufacturers add to the products so that they remain fresh, act on our body as well as the products themselves: canning.

"What does a preservative do? Saves the product "Fresh". For example, meat. But we are meat too. So, we also cease to be updated. That body that we had two years ago, now there is no longer. We have been segregated, dropped old scaly as a snake. Old cells die, new came out of the bone marrow - updated. And this process goes non-stop. If we are in a process that comes from the bone marrow to the fabric, interfere with preservatives, why not grow oncological tissue, which will simply mutate and adapt to what they do. Preservatives - Beach of the modern world, "the immunologist told.

After that, I began to check the composition of the products more carefully. Surprising canned food without preservatives there. They are just stored not so long. You can buy both green peas, and corn, and anchovies completely without any "Eshk" and avoid the unpleasant feeling that you are preserved, and also not to suffer with a nose - preservatives work also in this direction.

All my life, I said that I do not know how and I do not like to cook, they say, I love only there, leaving. Now I am just doing what I cook: myself and the dog. Because I understand: fresh and clean foods are best prepared only with your own hands. No, I am not going crazy on the point that the chassis in a restaurant, who touched to my Eggplant, but still I am more pleasant when I cook everything. At the same time, I do not approve at all that I learned to cook. I still cook I do not know how I am doing, we can only eat my dog. Cover the table and call guests I will not solve.

And on a visit to friends, I now go like this: I go to the store and buy everything I can eat, as well as everything they will (for example, all squeezing). Because if I just come, as it did before, then in their refrigerator there is a piece of meat or bread, but for me it is not food.

The most terrible for me after all these experiments was to pass tests. I knew that it was necessary, but could not decide. I barely survived until the end of the day, when I still passed blood on the main indicators and vitamins. It seemed to me, now the results will come and it turns out that I have at the same time all diseases in the world and at the same place vitamins. When the letter with the results fell to the post office, I climbed, but I still took myself in my hands and looked. All indicators were within the normal range. It was one of the most joyful days in life. Already later, the girlfriend accidentally showed them to his mother-doctor, she said: "Nastya has such analyzes that it can be sent to space."

Now I eat a lot of vegetables, if possible, raw, but also prepare too; Of course, fruits and dried fruits, nuts, lentils, movies, buckwheat, rare fish and eggs, rice, sometimes in order of exception (usually visiting) to me to the plate can get a piece of cheese or some damn, but meat - not exactly . Strictly speaking, this is not vegetarianism, but Pesketarianism. I drink one cup of coffee per day - no more, and then diluted with water, otherwise there will be a split. I drink a half or two liters of water, I do not drink any juices and soda. Unfortunately, I laished and yoga is no longer engaged, but I definitely do my 10 thousand steps a day, but one day 44 thousand steps took place - this is more than 30 km (in St. Petersburg on vacation - there is no time for such feats in Moscow). I feel great, even despite the epidemiological, political and psychological situation in the world.

In order not to call anyone to go to my way, I told my story to a nutritionist - a medical director of the Health CheckMe Checkme Checking Alevtine - and asked that she thinks about it all.

"Such a sharp change in the diet is stress for the body. In vegetables and fruits there are not enough fats and proteins - vital elements, of which the cells of the whole organism are built. And the absence of a "building material" causes hair loss, nail fragility, deterioration of skin condition and other unpleasant consequences. It can be encountered with a decrease in muscle mass, weakness and fatigue, decrease in immunity. This leads to frequent colds and exacerbations of chronic diseases, as well as deterioration of metabolism. And due to the insufficient receipt of useful vitamins and minerals, you risk earning iron deficiency anemia and a decrease in the level of vitamins D and B12. As a result, constant fatigue and decline in concentration. Some vitamins can be drunk independently, for example, vitamin D, according to the information of the Russian Association of Endocrinologists. But there are cases in which the organism gets too much dose. It is always better to get an accurate idea of ​​what vitamins are missing. The oversupply threatens with nausea, urticaria and other skin manifestations. But in general, Vitamin D is shown to many Muscovites. Most likely, you will not harm them, "the nutritionist explained.

In general, doctors as always: come to the reception and bring your wallet, do not decide anything yourself, it is dangerous. Probably, I was just lucky that everything went well: such cardinal changes could entail some serious consequences, but did not affect.

And most of all my mom was happy with metamorphosis. For so many years she tried to reach me, and finally came the moment when we clumsy with her can discuss the correctness of this or that way of nutrition and special effects from different vitamins.

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