How after 40 years to refuse bad habits and play sports


"So far is not born, the man does not cross it" - many people live on this principle. Often, a person thinks about his health only when there are diseases on his way.

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Most often, people are solved after 40 years, when chronic diseases caused by bad habits and a wrong lifestyle are exacerbated in the body. But not everyone can firmly follow their principles, often people are breaking away, forgetting about the goal.

Why give up bad habits and play sports

After 40, there are changes in the human body that affect the formation of excess weight, the appearance of wrinkles, the deterioration of general well-being. During this period, a person realizes that youth is not eternal, but it is possible to extend it, leaving the bad habits in the past and letting sports in your life. You can start at any age than before, the better.

A healthy lifestyle extends the life of male representatives for 6 years, and female for 5 years. Such forecasts cannot but rejoice. Studies have proven that the 90 years of age are most often achieved by people who are engaged in sports.

How to act for those who are for 40 if they want to extend their lives

If a person has not engaged in sports at a young age, then after 40 it is important to act smoothly and moderately. You need to start with walks and morning runs, gradually moving to power exercises. Too intensive classes with a large weight of an unprepared person will bring more harm than good.

Do not forget about food, after 40 years it plays a key role in the formation of health. Holding to proper nutrition, you can get rid of the following problems:

  • quickly recover after suffering from diseases;
  • get rid of excess weight;
  • improve their strengths;
  • Improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
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It is necessary to include in its daily diet: a sufficient amount of fiber, protein content, since in adulthood it is necessary to maintain beauty and health, eliminate the harmful fast food. Do not forget about the right drinking mode, in the elderly aged man less often feel the feeling of thirst, but needs water as well.

How not to retreat from the planned plans

  • Find motivation. Many sufficient health problems that have emerged, and additional reasons are required. It may be a getting rid of excess weight, the desire to look good, feel active and vigorous.
  • Rejection of bad habits. Ask this can special literature of psychological orientation, which disassembles different kinds of dependence and helps to get rid of them.
  • Drawing up a power plan. Do not sit on hard diets, it is enough to make your diet balanced.
  • Adjust sleep and rest mode. Sleep should be at least 8 hours.
  • Abandon a sedentary lifestyle. At first it will not be easy, but the systematic approach will help develop a habit, and the body will begin to respond positively on physical activity.

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