Why should you know me: founder of the company "Deputy Offices" Pavel Melnikov

Why should you know me: founder of the company

I Pavel Melnikov, and I am the person who makes cool workspaces for cool companies and people.

The fact that I have been associated with all my life, I realized only two years ago. From the earliest childhood, we had a permanent repairs at home, for which Mom answered. She touched something all the time and repainted, so we had full of different building materials in the yard. Of course, from these residues I built my houses. Something could build on a tree, something is just in the yard. This part of life was about the third class with me.

Then a computer appeared, and I spent all my free time already for him. Then I loved the game Sims, where it was necessary to manage and develop the heroes of the little men. But first of all, they needed to build a house. I remember how the password entered an unlimited amount of money, built them the luxurious houses of a beautiful shape, chose a tile, wallpaper and everything else for their stay, but immediately after that I had the interest of playing further. It was interesting to me, especially when I entered the code for an unlimited budget. That is, it was greatly pleasure to build than the very development of heroes.

I truly touched my current profession, I am much later. In general, I am an advertisement for education, and with a red diploma. So, somehow, when I worked in the Flacon design team, my supervisor asked me to repair me in the office. And I was such a YES MAN manager, which always answers "yes", so it immediately agreed easily. And all this repair process I was given to joy and ease. I'm thrilled. Especially after it ended and everything was satisfied with the result - my boss, colleagues and me. It was then that I realized that the creation of work spaces to me really interesting. This is due to the fact that I myself work a lot and spend a huge amount of time in the office. And, of course, I absolutely do not want to make the situation around reminded about the old and conservative concept of the word "office". At the same time, I and my experience, and at the level of intuition, I absolutely know exactly how to make it cool and included in the person of the entrepreneur so that it can be implemented.

The company "Deputy Office" has appeared absolutely spontaneously. After I made an office on the "bottle", my friends from Rochetbank were asked to do and repair them. Then the guys from Acer came to me. And so without any advertising, seeing how I am grieving this case, and watching the result, people began to go to me and ask them to create workspaces. Specific finite market products I developed and implemented already during training in Skolkovo. It was then that I understood how to make an offer that is not on the market, and how exactly we will help large and steep companies to create such offices. At the same time, the name "Office Devices" appeared. Everything is simple here - we make offices.

The most important impression for me from the first implemented projects is what you can see the result of your work. This is a significant advantage compared to my career in marketing and advertising, where the result of the advertising campaign is very difficult to see physically. You can see a commercial or print, but it is absolutely not the level of emotions when you see space you created. When you see how people fill the office and how they begin to live in it. Very cool to do what is in the real world, not online. I am very driving. And the very understanding is that people who work in our offices, kaifyut from them. They really rises a tone and mood, they include entrepreneurs and hardworkers. They are included in this game.

We have two activities. First: We implement our projects, creating workspace. This direction is for us a separate business. Here, an example, you can bring Fast Office - workspace directly inside the Riviera Shopping Center.

Second: We help companies make their superophis.

It should be understood that right now we live in the Pandemic era. Despite the fact that we have just a year and a half, we are already reformatted. Because we understand that modern offices must be different, should be changed under the circumstances. These will be temporary hubs or boutique offices, where people will meet with employees sent to the remote, in order to synchronize commands and tasks. In such formats of work spaces, all flock two or three times a week. Therefore, the offices of the future will be less in its area, but much cooler in their execution, and will better reflect the values ​​of your company. They will customize employees to the working way, broadcast the client who are who and how do business behave here. And it is on this product that we like "Deputy Department Devices" want to focus.

"Department Devolders" rut competitors primarily by the fact that we are a very young team. All our creative ideas come from people who have practically not yet been associated with the construction market and therefore they are absolutely unsolicited. We proceed from where I would like to work 24/7 to us, creating projects initially under ourselves. Our second distinguishing feature is that we are in front of the customer as a general contractor. And this means that we are responsible for the project completely, from the general concept before which specifically flowers and where they should stand. At the same time, we are a certain translator or translator between the most conservative contractors or subcontractors and the client. Our customer will never understand the final contractor, they are from different worlds and therefore our role in this bundle saves both parties from disputes, misunderstanding and other problems. We understand the others.

How will the offices and jobs in Pandemic change will change and after it, we began to think in advance, before the first rumors about the closure of countries and cities. All the offices of the postcase world we divided into three types.

The first is an office boutique or office hub, where people would meet two or three times a week to synchronize. This is always such a lacker theme or a fully reflective brand execution.

The second type is offices that are divided into small cells. This is for those companies where a large number of employees and cannot be sent to the remote. We call it smart meters. That is, all divided into cabinets and microcabubs space will not only be thought-out isolated from each other, but is connected with each other or between the departments of intellectually calculated safe paths.

Third option - mobile offices. This is when the company rented the desired openspec and already to it, depending on the needs, buy the necessary set of POP-UP-furniture. In this case, the company does not buy repairs, and takes modules of negotiation or individual jobs. Further, they can be transported to a new place or reformat for other needs. Because all these modules are universal team-collapsible structures.

And while everyone squeezed into a pandemic, we took and built such a variant of spaces. For the year we built an incredible boutique office for Mercuryum. This project was exactly the boutique office, where people are going for a few days a week for synchronization, master classes, lectures, etc. There is an amphitheater, a special zone for ZOOM. There are no fixed seats in this format, where the employee comes every day. There are talking about common tables, when an employee comes, takes his computer from Locker (drawer) and deals with the solution of its work tasks. That is, this is such an office coworking, but created by personally by the company, broadcasting its brand, values, philosophy and visual code. In this format, we see the future of the office industry, this is what will gain momentum.

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Photo: Albina Coll

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