How to care for milk teeth


The task of parents is to follow the state of dairy teeth in children, because it will help subsequently avoid problems with constant teeth. Dentists are told to pay attention to.

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Hygiene teeth

Tooth food and condition

Modern children's dentists argue that the quality of food, as well as the state of the intestines directly affects the dairy teeth. For example, dried fruits, contrary to popular parental opinion, are not so useful because they contain a large amount of sugar.

But what if the child constantly requires sweets?

Parents must do everything possible so that the kids do not use candy, cakes and lollipops. To do this, you need to follow the family diet from the very birth of crumbs. The later it will get acquainted with confectionery products and other not quite useful products, the better. If mom and dad drink tea with chocolate bars, naturally, the child will also demand sweets.

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Often parents are looking for access to some expensive toothpastes and brushes for children, but in fact, the problem can be avoided if you follow the child's diet.

For example, there are quite a few people who periodically forget to brush their teeth, but they have no problems with caries. Dentists say that it is enough to change the taste habits in favor of useful products, and soon you can see that the collapse on the teeth has significantly decreased. The hole in the tooth is not a local problem, but the signal of the body, that there are some problems inside it. This does not mean that you need to forget about the brush and paste, but also need to take into account other factors, such as a diet.

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See also: Common stereotypes about children's teeth, which is time to forget

Vegetables and fruits - Pledge of good teeth

Adults probably remember how their parents were forced to crunch with apples and carrots, so that the teeth were strong and healthy. However, modern doctors argue that in the diet of the child, in addition to fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and greens, protein products must be present. Suppose the child in the morning ate oatmeal with Malina. After a couple of hours, he already eats cookies or candy, because the feeling of saturation passed. Doctors recommend for breakfast prepare children full protein dish: omelet with cheese, boiled eggs with meat, fish. The growing organism will receive the required amount of protein, the child will not feel hungry for a long time, which means that it will not go to the school buffet of the cakes and chocolate bars.

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Is it possible for the state of the oral cavity to determine the quality of the power?

Elena, children's dentist:

"I recently led a girl for 7 years. Almost every tooth in the child demanded treatment. Asked Mom, that he likes to eat her daughter. Although, and so it was clear that the child eats sweets in an unlimited quantity. "

Igor, dentist:

"On a flash in the language, you can find out, eats a child sweet, or not. For example, your child comes from school and swears, which fed only to the right food. And you look at his language. If it is a big layer of white plaque, for sure, the child deceived you. "

When do you need to brush your teeth?

Baby dentists advise to start cleaning teeth from the appearance of the first milk tooth. At first it is done with the help of a special attack, then you can buy a children's toothbrush and safe when swallowing the paste. Parents followed from early childhood to teach children to brush their teeth, ideally, after each meal.

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Even when the child is growing and he will learn to brush the teeth, it is desirable that parents help him. After all, the baby will not be able to carefully clean the mouth cavity, and this occupation is rapidly annoying.

I wonder: answer why you need to treat milk teeth

Where does fear come from before the dentist?

Many adults continue to be afraid of a visit to the dentist. This phobia, most likely, remained from them after the Soviet offices of dentists, where there was a terrible car for drilling. Modern dental clinics are equipped with innovative equipment, dentists are friendly and affectionate, and for children there are cartoons and other entertainment so that they are not scary in the chair.

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Inspection at the dentist should be carried out regularly, ideally, once every six months. It is very important that the first visit to the conscious age left pleasant memories from a small patient. You can play in advance with the child in the dentist, read books about the treatment of toys, look at this topic of cartoons. Tune the baby on the fact that everything will go well. Try to avoid the words "pain", "scary" so that the child does not have negative associations.

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Parents tell

Maria, Mom 4-khta Arina:

"I recently had to visit the dentist, you had to cure three teeth. Unfortunately, Arina loves sweets, and here is the result. According to reviews found good children's dentistry. With my daughter spent a week conversation that we would go to a kind doctor who would be tendered. He spoke with a smile, although, honestly, I am afraid to treat my teeth. When you arrived in dentistry, my daughter from the threshold was all liked. We were met by a smiling administrator, offered Arina to porridge, then our doctor came out. She managed to arrange a daughter to him, and she was able to cure all three teeth. I thought I would have to come several times, but we coped in one visit. Arina was presented with fruit, the doctor spent a conversation how badly eat sweets. Now the daughter is not afraid of the dentist and reported that next time it will go to inspection to a pleasant toet-doctor. "

Elena, Mom of 5-year-old Roma:

"I try to keep track of my son. We have no candies, cookies and other harmful sweets. Roma loves fruits, vegetables, homemade food. Somehow drove in a cafe, Romka says: "And what is there, immediately will not be offered mamop soup." We carefully look at the state of the teeth of the son. As soon as the milk teeth began to appear, immediately bought a brush and pasta. In the year they began to visit the children's dentist. I think the condition of the teeth is not only genetics, as they like to speak, but also a lifestyle. If every day there is a sweet, not to clean your teeth, do not treat in time, you will definitely have problems from an early age. "

For dairy teeth you need to take care of the moment when they only appear. It is important for parents to follow the right nutrition of the child, as well as regularly drive it to inspection to the dentist.

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