Migrants are returned to Petersburg


The CDS Group received permission to attract foreign labor for construction work. Other developers declared other developers to the Committee on External Relations of St. Petersburg. In total, about 120 thousand workers are not enough now in the city and region.

"The CDS company will be able to attract 430 employees from the CIS countries under the observance of sanitary and epidemiological requirements. The appropriate appeal is agreed by the Deputy Chairman of the Government, the Chairman of the Operational Headquarters for the Prevention of Zavoza and the spread of a new coronavirus infection in the territory of the Russian Federation by Tatiana Golikova and the Ministry of Construction, "the company's press service is told.

According to experts, attracting labor - the question is relevant to all developers of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. According to HSE, in 2019, 385 thousand foreigners worked in St. Petersburg, including those who have the right to work without permits (citizens of Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan). In 2020, according to preliminary data, their number decreased to 266.4 thousand people.

"Non-residents attract subcontractable organizations that carry out construction and installation work at objects. And we see that the workforce really became missing because of the outflow of migrants. First of all, the deficit is felt on demand specialties, such as masonry, monolithicers, finishing professionals, "the press service of L1 noted.

It was advised about the possibility of attracting migrants to the construction of migrants on the opportunity to attract migrants in the press service of the SETL Group: "According to our estimates, the lack of labor is cumulatively in all contractors SETL GROUP - at least 3 thousand people. At the moment, our company is preparing a letter to the Committee on External Relations, in which we petition for our contractors to reduce barriers to the entry of migrants. "

Under the terms of the agreement, after crossing the border of Russia, migrants due to developers should undergo a two-week quarantine and a survey on COVID-19. Foreign citizens in the territory of the Russian Federation will be able to work until the end of 2021.

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Migrants are returned to Petersburg 17968_1
Migrants are returned to Petersburg

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